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  1. G

    George W. Bush worst president ever?

    how many? we didnt have a terrorist problem until Jimmy pacifist carter took office. THe world took advantage of the weak ass idiot. We have paid dearly since. Every President who took office after that idiot has had to deal with his inept policies. Jimmy Carter created a mindset with our...
  2. G

    Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

    Galls you? And I guess the UN letting 700,000 innocent black africans die in Rwanda doesnt gall you? THe UN is a pointless voice of reason for people who are reasonable. Terrorists, Hussein, Bin Laden, arent reasonable. Why don't people get that? The UN has never solved a single problem...
  3. G

    Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

    that is some seriously ignorant trashy stuff. W a dork for sure, but he looks like a genius compared to you guys. Invaded Iraq for oil? We get 90% of our oil from USA and Gulf of Mexico, Middle East oil ships to China predominantly. Wow, could you be at least creative when dishing insults...
  4. G

    I have been busted

    You need counseling. It's one thing to smoke pot, involve needles and you give the pot community a bad rap. Stick to pot, less drama, and you might live long enough to get a place of your own. Tell your Mom you want to go to Church, give the poor woman hope.
  5. G

    the LED UFO grow light

    LMAO, you watch a tainted youtube video done by an HID outfit and you are now professor emeritus on grow technology? The manufacturer of the ufo grow is in Shenzhen China. I met them at a trade show in Guanzhou China. I was AMAZED at the visit. i bought one, and its 50 times better than...
  6. G

    Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

    Nice try. But the truth is, Canada would be part of the USSR if not for the USA military. Canada is a TERRIBLE place to live. healthcare is the worst in the world. Your lucky i'm not President, I would ban canada. We need a great wall like China dividing the USA and Canada. We dont need...
  7. G

    Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

    Let's just stick with facts. Carter being the weakest man on the planet empowered terrorist. Then Reagan did absolutely NOTHING to the Beirut bombers who killed over 200 of our brothers. Next came Bush 41 who did not FINISH off iraq and Iran when we had a chance so he blew it. Then, the big...
  8. G

    Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

    If dumbass liberals and weak sorry ass democrats would have taken out terrorists in the nineties, we'd still be paying a buck a gallon for gas. Clinton was a coward, and Bush obviously a moron. I say America use its military might to put the world in its place. Fuck all and anyone who puts...