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  1. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    It is a lightly reflective table. I move it around with my plants during the day to help a little more light go to the undersides of my leaves.
  2. Medigan

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    First grow babies, only in my hands for two weeks...are they happy? Tips or suggestions to help increase their yield when they are grown? Neither have full 7 fan leaves, only 5-guessing that means they are still pretty young. Chemdog on left and g-13 on right.
  3. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    It did not post correctly and when I link it is pulled up the first message...Friday night, what can I say-this lady had too much medicine:blsmoke: it was supposed to reply-such as what other methods? I am all ears to advice and suggestions, this is my first grow and I had only ever researched...
  4. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?
  5. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?
  6. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    Yeah, I was thinking November. I did half strength on the fert, do you think it is harming them(do they look sickly?) At the moment, here they are.
  7. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    Whqt is a node stretch(new-b)?
  8. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    Anyone? Bueller....bueller....bueller
  9. Medigan

    supercropping??? how and when to do it

    I would love to FIM and super crop. Would you mind posting some links on how to correctly do these techniques?
  10. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    Bump for some advice...
  11. Medigan

    Growing Growing Growing

    :clap: Wow, that is a pretty forest!
  12. Medigan

    First grow-pics-follow me-where to go from here?

    First grow, green card medicinal. I have two plants, a chemdog and a g-13. here were my plants about a week ago...(received clones from indoor grow) And today... g-13 Chemdog Wondering what to do from here. I am willing to read links if any tips for my progress have been discussed. I...
  13. Medigan

    Please link me to reputable trimming videos-1st grow photos

    There are so many online that I would prefer one that is a trusted and not an armature trying to show others the way they do it(looked up some and saw some butchering, so I know there is a lot of misinformation available)
  14. Medigan

    Please link me to reputable trimming videos-1st grow photos

    Thanks. I meant trimming, fim'ing and topping while the plant was still growing, though. :)
  15. Medigan

    Please link me to reputable trimming videos-1st grow photos

    Looking for more information on how to trim my outdoor medicine for the most yield. I have two plants, a chem dog and a g-13. here were my plants about a week ago...(received clones from indoor grow) And today... g-13 Chemdog
  16. Medigan

    How to make an oil that could be in a salve

    I have medicine in the form or cured flower buds. I am looking for a recipe to turn the flower into something that could be incapsulated or put into a salve-the only recipes I have seen use hash...will I need to process my flowers into hash before I can declare and create the canna oil? Thanks...
  17. Medigan

    Should I invest in a davinci vape?

    I planned to consume my vapped as well...but with some nutella(high fat and super yummy!) can be done after so session when jam in serious pain...but I really worry about missing something from combustion...idk, tips on a more lung healthy way with my beloved pain helping goal I can reach with...
  18. Medigan

    Should I invest in a davinci vape?

    Please tell me more. Us the oil some thing I can make DIY with my own plants? Davinci has an oil can built in for things like essential oils and can also vap the these pen types just do oil? How will the effect change? I try to stay pretty clear headed.
  19. Medigan

    Should I invest in a davinci vape?

    that would be the best, but I am a stealth medical user...have no real life mj buddies other than my mom-who is not med and tokes a pipe, but just a nicer
  20. Medigan

    Repost, since this forum seems a bit slow

    well when I get started growing it will be better, and that is important to me. Thanks for letting me know the forum focus, it helps to direct my questions to where I will receive the most help.