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  1. C

    Weird drooping related to temp or light?

    It's been doing better in the morning when it's cooler. The 5-bladed fan leaves kinda droop when it gets warmer and brighter as the day progresses. I started growing during a warm week in a cold month lol
  2. C

    Weird drooping related to temp or light?

    I notice that when it's cool outside, like 50s and kinda humid in the morning, my plant seems to perk up (out) more than when it's warmer (60s-70s). It's Texas in March, going from cool to warm in several hours. I removed some other plants (non-Cannabis) to give it more light, so we'll see what...
  3. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    Looking a bit better today, some leaves normal again. I guess I'll wait and see... gonna get some granddaddy purp tomorrow ;p
  4. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    Nah lol, this is at my mom's place. I do the lawn work, so it should be cool. My dad just came into the backyard and saw it. Do you have any advice? for the plant's health??
  5. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    These were like 5 hours after the transplant. I watered it some, but I'm gonna leave it alone
  6. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    These were before the transplant, a tiny bit smaller than this morning (these were like 3 days ago)
  7. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    I'm very concerned because this is the biggest plant I've ever had, it's like my child lol. I moved it due to privacy issues. My dad found it so I had to move it.
  8. C

    Transplanted 6 week old outdoor Reggie, looks bad.

    I transplanted a somewhat large 6-week old reggie plant outdoors from a large pot to regular soil in my garden. Of course i put some of the potting soil in with it, but it looks like it's in bad shock. Any tips? The leaves are limp and moist, and look kinda shriveled. I can post before and after...
  9. C


    It's cuz i added inferior soil on top. but you're probably right anyway
  10. C


    I'm sticking with Stomper's advice. It's gonna get hopefully a straight week of light. I drained and removed the bag and there's no more water to drain.
  11. C


    I wanna keep this plant. there are holes in the bottom, a lot. It drains into the bag and I dump the bag after a while. I have it very near the lights and it'll be on 24/0 soon
  12. C


    Dude, are you serious about hydration? I just watered again before posting this...
  13. C


    By 30's, I mean outside. Inside was supposed to be 73-75
  14. C


    Really? It gets down to like 30's at night, i thought it was temp... It went from 40 consecutive hours of light to 48 hours of darkness, is that a death sentence?
  15. C


    I doubt hydration was in issue, I watered it before I left,
  16. C


    Guys, I need help! I left my plant for 2 days in darkness in what I thought would be a 73-ish degree farenheit house, and when I came back it was horrific! taking ANY ADVICE FROM SEASONED GROWERS/PPL WHO'VE HAD THIS PROBLEM AND REBOUNDED
  17. C

    important ? need reliable ansr....

    Hmm. Bring maybe 4-5g's in a sandwich bag wrapped in bags. Stuff a bigger bag with baby wipes (the scent). Or cologne bottles... Stanks up the weed a little though
  18. C

    Should I top my 7 week old Sativa yet or let it grow?

    Week 7 is almost over and it has just gotten its 40th consecutive hour of close range 2700k cfl light. I don't know if I should top it or not...