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  1. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    yo man i would post some pics but im not gonna lie i forgot about this thread and i've got about 1/2 oz left out of about 8oz dry! I can't believe that i never gave growing a second thought before now its easily the best decision i've ever made!! Starting a Guerilla grow soon with x4 White...
  2. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    I've already harvested my oldest plant which was about a fortnight older than the other ones and Its curing at the moment, i've taken about 2oz dry off it off the top of my head, Im not sure of the exact figure cause some of its been smoked already. The plant was about 2 1/2 ft tall in the end...
  3. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    I've no idea how old they are now. Only another week or 2 now i reckon
  4. Le Spliff Doctor

    90 watt x 2 UFO LED Northen Lights Autoflower Grow Journal

    congrats man. goes to show those LEDs can really do the business!
  5. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    cheers man the lower fan leaves on the oldest plant are starting to yellow at the moment and the hairs are starting to turn orange so not too much longer!
  6. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    yeah mate gonna stick with my cfl all the way through this one. going to buy a HPS for my next grow and totally upgrade my grow space
  7. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    Im going to leave it til the weekend at least and then see how the other two are developing. The problem is that they're smothering each other a bit at the moment and they seem to really need some space. Got a scope on order, from what i've read its absolutely essential to have one
  8. Le Spliff Doctor

    90 watt x 2 UFO LED Northen Lights Autoflower Grow Journal

    wow man you're ladies have exploded since i last saw them!
  9. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    Week 10..ish Whats happenin guys. havent been on here in ages cause of work. had to go and do a project at the other end of the country recently so havent had much of a chance to be on here much. Plants are coming along nicely. I'm actually running out of space in the grow room they've got a...
  10. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    I havent come across cindy 99 yet whats it like? Thinking way off into the future i want to get my hands on some Purple Fuck, I've gotta say that i have no clue what its like but its got a ridiculous name which is always a good start
  11. Le Spliff Doctor

    Found a bag on the street -- the gods have gifted me something lemon..:)

    i found a quarter right outside where i work last summer.. was the best day of my life
  12. Le Spliff Doctor

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    this is a great idea for a thread. I may be a novice grower but I've been boat building for 6 years. I specialise in working on wooden boats and have also done quite a considerable amount of welding over the years. Do you think it would be worth while starting a similar thread but concentrating...
  13. Le Spliff Doctor

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    cheers mate i think im just going to keep on tucking them. i've done a lot of reading into it today and it just dosent make sense trimming perfectly healthy leaves
  14. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    thats what i've been thinking to be honest mate. the leaves are the engine rooms of the plant. I don't understand why people trim leaves off when you can just tuck them. oh well each to there own i guess
  15. Le Spliff Doctor

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hi mate i think its under watering if anything i was away for all of last week cause of work and they didn't get a watering for 7 days. they've perked up a lot since i watered them yesterday mate. then again i gave them all a flush last week and sorted out the PH which had dropped down to...
  16. Le Spliff Doctor

    First Time grower

    i agree with slipon, a carbon filter is an absolute must. I live in an apartment block in the dodgy end of town and as a case study I have a carbon filter. The charming chav who lives downstairs, who i've luckily never met, did not. he got raided by the police I didn't get a decent carbon...
  17. Le Spliff Doctor

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hows it going lads hope your all well. thought i'd give you all a bit of update on how things are coming along Week 6 - oldest plant Week 5 - second oldest Week 4 1/2 - third oldest have had a bit of a nutrient lockout problem recently one the eldest so had to do a flush a few days ago and...
  18. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    cheers man im loving them theyre really low maintenance! the oldest one is flowering and is looking glorious! cannot wait for harvest its so close now the last couple of weeks have flown by! what strains are on the cards for your next grows? Im gonna do a white widow x big bud photo, another NL...
  19. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    Week 6 Week 6 - oldest plant Week 5 - second oldest Week 4 1/2 - third oldest have had a bit of a nutrient lockout problem recently one the eldest so had to do a flush a few days ago and I'm just gave it plain water there earlier on today. other plants are all fine. good PH, temps 22C -...
  20. Le Spliff Doctor

    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

    i've had a look at what to inspect in the books/other threads that i've read and what the effects of the amber and white trichomes will have on the high. got a scope on order which im looking forward to getting through. can't believe its only 2 and a half weeks to harvest!