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  1. yourhighness

    a hole buch of questions

    moma plant been getting nutes since i got her but not my clones that i cut. clones they are about 12 inches tall now growing madly with nice close nodes looking good i have the little clay balls for a medium (hydro) and just water. im worried if i add nutes without strong lite they will stretch...
  2. yourhighness

    a hole buch of questions

    hi everone im a new grower and dont know how to keep my clones going till my cupbord can be turned to grow again which is about 7 weeks away if it takes 10 weeks. i was told to take my clones befor i turned my plants to flower. is this correct? so now im thee weeks into flower and i have roots 6...
  3. yourhighness

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone just wanted to say g'day. Im an aussie growing my first plant and its a hydro setup. Its currently early to mid summer here and fairly warm - like 30+ degrees Celcius by mid morn and up to 40+ in arvo. I also have good ventillation. Will this heat effect my plant? I have just turned...