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  1. L

    My bonsai from couple seasons back

    I been meaning to share this with the forum for a long time but never got round to it. I got a seed out of a nice bit of blueberry & done the decent thing.... planted it! Not exactly sure what I wanted to do with the plant, I decided to stress it hard.... mucked up light cycles...
  2. L

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Just a quick one! I got a 50w HPS with an E27 screw fitting. What sort of ballast would I need? Cheers
  3. L

    Horizontal Growing

    I'm trying this to settle the argument once and for all. 1 plant 1 x 250w HPS 12/12 from seed Pot upright Train plant sideways with the light at the side (equiv to the top) I really can't see why this will not work, the roots will remain upright, but the plant sideways........... jsut like a...
  4. L

    Uk growing

    I got a blueberry strain and a diesel and they are both fine with UK summers. Just if it is really pissing it down, put them in the shed.
  5. L

    Help! Premature flowering!

    Just leave it outside and it will go back into veg. I done exactly as you did with my bonsai, 24-0 to 14/10 (and rising with the summer comming in). It's starting to go back after 3 weeks, and has already given me 3 good cuttings.
  6. L

    4 foot strip light shroud? What's the term?

    Also looking for those twin bulb bayonet fittings! Can't even find the damn things on Ebay!
  7. L

    4 foot strip light shroud? What's the term?

    I'm after a strip light unit of about 4 feet that can take say 2 - 4 tubes totalling around 400w Does anyone know the term for the unit the tubes go in so I can stop ripping my hair out searching lol Also, if anyone also knows good veg & flower tubes in that size please say so. Peace :leaf:
  8. L

    Quick question about yields?

    I'd say $400 an ounce is a fair judgement. Mate of mine gives £200 GBP for an ounce on the regular.... does them at 3g & skims .5g off each one to make up the extra he paid. Normally you would expect to pay around £120 an ounce depending on availability. Thanks for the info guys :D
  9. L

    Quick question about yields?

    Yeah, will be using feminized seeds ;) At worst I can clone from my mom here.
  10. L

    Quick question about yields?

    Ok, I'll be quick about this :) 1 plant 1m Wide x 1m Deep x 1.5m Tall - grow space 1 x 400w MH (for veg) 1 x 400w HPS (flowering) Will be going to flower when plant is 12" or so tall. What sort of yield would I expect roughly? Just want to see if its worth the effort.... if its not, i'll just...
  11. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    This should do you. h**p:// Copy & paste, remove HTTP:// (didn't know if i was allowed to link direct?) Gotta be worth a go for 12 bux!
  12. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    Cheers Mowbuss.... Very handy guide. Just need a scope now
  13. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    Well the other day I acquired some of those outdoor seedling greenhouse things (the metal frame/plastic sheet kind). I suppose if I remove the shelves I could put that over it. I was always worried about covering it in case it started sweeting, which would lead to bud rot (did have an ever so...
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    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    Oh right.... looking for the colour? or something else?
  15. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    Ok, so we will be looking at around the 1st of November right? The only thing worrying me is these clear frosty nights, my car was covered in ice this morning. If say the frost got that bad that the plant started to suffer, would it be possible to pull her there & then without compromising the...
  16. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    What do you mean by a scope?
  17. L

    Latest Harvest

    That's a fantastic yield :) Respect :joint:
  18. L

    Bud shot - Are they ready?

    I'm really worried about my girl as we had quite a harsh frost last night, and it seems as though the forecast for the UK is set to continue as it has begun. I took these pictures today to ask the question 'Is it to early to pull the plant?' To be quite honest, I don't think we will be seeing...
  19. L

    New Grower. week and a half in. Weird yellow spots and curled leaves

    Its more than likely the nute balls in the soil mate.
  20. L

    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    I would definitely check with your room mates. If they say 'no' now, then its better than them finding a plant and saying 'no' then. If they say 'yes' then be prepared to share.