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  1. M


    hey everyone i wanted to know if a growroom can have TOO MUCH air filtration. i'm talking about for instance... A room that is 840 CUBIC FT, that has an exhaust system which utilizes TWO 1.5ft x 4ft carbon filters rated for MAX 2500cfm EACH, and attached to EACH carbon filter is ONE 2156cfm...
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    average plant yield

    hey everybody whats everyones average yield per plant considering they grow hydroponically.... and considering one does his/her best to care for and really optimize the plants' growing environment...? i was hoping a figure about 1 ounce per plant... would that be possible?
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    ozone generator question

    thank u evrybody for your opinion. i should have described my setup earlier... i plan to exhaust my 1764 cubic ft room with an ozone generator connected to the duct..(exhaust end). THEN the ozone treated air will pass through my carbon air filter...THEN exhausted out the window... how does that...
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    ozone generator question

    hi id like to hear anybodys suggestion on what size ozone generator i should use for a 14' x 14' x 9' room... (1764 cubic ft.) id prefer for it to be inside the exhaust duct which is going to be 12in in diameter..... thanks to all who give their input on this note.
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    Car batteries for POWER? was jus a thought since somebody brought it up b4 but never rily elaborated on it. tx guys
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    Car batteries for POWER?

    hey all. i heard one guy from here talking about how you can you use car batteries as a source of power 4 your grow op, and charge them every so often... as anyone actually ever tried this or know of this?? that sounds like an interesting way of getting power to me.....
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    Mylar Or White Paint? Or Both???

    yea i think i agree with full metal and koncyse.... i admit that i heard a few people complaining that they had trouble keeping the surface area of mylar smooth and ended up becoming wrinkled and shit. the plexiglass method sounds real interesting. thx all!!
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    Mylar Or White Paint? Or Both???

    alright....thanks a lot guys....but what do you think if i put the mylar on top of flat white paint? how will that be like?.. would that be advisable?
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    Mylar Or White Paint? Or Both???

    what do u guys think is the better reflective surface? flat-white plaint or mylar? or both mylar on top of the white paint?
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    i see.... but after converting mm to feet i found that 820mm is equal to about 2 feet 8 inches... so im a little puzzled how 20 of your 8in pots managed to fit in your tray. pls correct me if ive mistaken. this is in reference to your earlier posts by the way when you said you used about 20 or...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    hey al whats going on.... i wanted to know how many gallons your reservoirs are... for the 4'x4' systems u have...
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    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    hey al. i noticed your grow room was 9' tall like you said.. however i will be growing in a secret jardin dark room. the biggest one actually...(9'10" x 9'10" x 6'7"). since my max height is a little more than two feet shorter than yours, it probably might pose a problem when the plants get into...
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    vegetative time span?????

    hey guys. i wanted to know if any of you know whats the longest time for a plant to be in its vegetative phase? 2 wks? 3? 4? i know it all depends on the strain youre using but i just wanted an average time span. i also will be growing hydroponically in a deep water culture system. i appreciate...
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    4x4 ?? or 3x3?? which is preferable?

    oh ok... thats a helpful tip. but i think ill still go for 16 plants considering theyre the med-tall strain and ill do my best to keep it ventilated and taken care of so i can have a lot of yields....
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    4x4 ?? or 3x3?? which is preferable?

    one other detail is that i plan to grow hydroponically in one giant container that will fit 16 (or 12) plants... will that make a lot of difference in terms of my grow space?
  16. M

    4x4 ?? or 3x3?? which is preferable?

    i see....well ill get whatever light i need, 400w, 600w, whichever.. (preferably the 600 though...) but the main thing is that i want to be able to make 16 plants... how long would u say i should veg? or does it depend on the strain im using.? i will be using train wreck, which supposedly grows...
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    4x4 ?? or 3x3?? which is preferable?

    i have a 4x4 grow room... should i put 4 plants by 4 plants (16 plants) in 1 foot diameter pots? or would it be better if i put 3 plants by 3 plants (9 plants) and have more breathing space for them? however i am aiming for 16 plants...who wouldn't...? lol. so if anyone has any suggestions it...