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  1. BeanyBud

    Why does my gf ...

    Could She be lying to you? if so maybe your dick is too small to get up in there from that position
  2. BeanyBud

    Travel Pal - Pocket Bong check that one out its cheaper and from a cool forum
  3. BeanyBud

    Thugish Chilling Music

    i got to thinking what about when your buzzing and you wanna jam. instead of thinking too much and turning insecure boost your Game up. Lets become real thug. post up some of your favorite music to chill to (let it be a variety of genre not just rap)
  4. BeanyBud

    Travel Pal - Pocket Bong

    but if you want something portable why not get a pipe?
  5. BeanyBud

    Knowing the Earth

    Mind Blown- an intense feeling of the mind in which it feels like the mind is turning inside out due to an overwhelming occurence
  6. BeanyBud

    Fucking Idiots. Thanks for making MJ users look like crack/meth heads.

    I think its disgusting when people look down upon your way of life. I mean we all have different ideas and philosophies ,so im pretty sure many of us wont agree on everything. we can only agree to disagree.
  7. BeanyBud

    Who the fuck does that?

    just hide somewhere and wait for him/her to strike. When he/she does have an ambulance ready and release a can of whoop-ass on him/her
  8. BeanyBud


    i open them up quick. Im new to the forums so yeah some attention feels great
  9. BeanyBud

    The Do You.., Have You.., Would You..? Thread

    would you eat out a female chimpanzees pussy for a million bucks?
  10. BeanyBud

    What inspired your screen name?

    Beany Bud anyone?
  11. BeanyBud

    How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

    Everyone should have they're own system of beliefs please stop pushing your agenda on us with fear of eternal punishment
  12. BeanyBud

    What do you guys think of this idea?

    I say think of a better plan first
  13. BeanyBud

    3 Word Story

    is the center
  14. BeanyBud


    what is it about them ecigs people like? i never understood what is it about them people are attracted to. Fill me in whats the experience like? from the smell to the taste
  15. BeanyBud

    what to call my new puppy coming in a few weeks

    Everest like the mountain
  16. BeanyBud

    Where you at rep wise?

    Shit mine must be low (im new to the forums), But i dont think it matters rep doesent tell you the quality of the poster its more of a fame thing
  17. BeanyBud

    Having to turn work down.

    Yeah she was a thick woman with a huge ass and tits to leave you jaw dropped. i would've asked for more but he was already begging me and i felt some sympathy for my fellow man
  18. BeanyBud

    The Second Amendment- Right to Bear Arms

    really if threads weren't revolutionized then what would a forum be?
  19. BeanyBud

    The Second Amendment- Right to Bear Arms

    so as we all know the 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms well the amendment doesn't specify the type of arm. as we all know the shootings that have been on the news lately are contributing to a new gun control law. well i believe although it sounds reasonable to control the guns being...
  20. BeanyBud

    Munchie Foods

    me i think ill head to the corner store later and buy me a bag of chips maybe ruffles cheese or Cheetos popcorn what do you'll recommend?