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  1. HobbyFarmer

    Welcome New Members!

    New member here! Hello. Live in central MN, have a small farmstead. Looking to grow just a few plants to supply my own needs. Have found a lot of great advice and info so far on here, so hoping to grow first time this year, and contribute my experience and voice moving forward. Thanks.
  2. HobbyFarmer

    MN Outdoor advice

    I've seen a few strains mentioned that are good for MN outdoors - specifically that they have short maturation to finish in mid sept-oct. Trouble is, I'm having a hard time finding seeds for them. Can someone point me in the right direction for a seed store that may have some of these strains...
  3. HobbyFarmer

    What To Do About those Dam Deer

    Very interested in tactics you are hinting at. I'm looking to start growing a small amount in MN and have a lot of deer around my planned grow site. Don't really want to build a visual fence as I want my entire site to appear as natural as possible (at least from a distance). So ideas like...