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  1. Rex Clonex

    2013 Outdoor Grow

    Really good Question Darkdrae! The first time I did it I was careless everything went to seed but it was my first grow and it was a practice with bag seeds gorilla grow. The next time I planned it out in my head. I put the male at a completely different location. I collected my pollen in a...
  2. Rex Clonex

    Bugs Down under

    Hey anuryzm, Its an absolute scorcher today! Im genuinely concerned for their health!!! I have an isolating fan going in there but I fear that's not enough. Do you know of a good product that works on bud worms thats obtainable around these parts? Bunnings maybe? I'm heading into town today to...
  3. Rex Clonex

    Bugs Down under

    Hi Ilovethegreen, I couldn't agree more in relation the the prevention I learned the hard way with spider Mites. Aussie huge outdoor sativa is what I grew up on I remember seeing plants that looked more like trees with colas that were as big as my leg. Those were the days :) Thanks for your...
  4. Rex Clonex

    2013 Outdoor Grow

    @ Dark I agree with senor in relation to not listening to strain expectations but it can go either way, I used attitude myself and they said in perfect conditions height would reach 1.5 meters. Mine have easily gone over that. If you are in a hot climate and you plant as early as you can. Late...
  5. Rex Clonex

    Bugs Down under

    Hi all, First post so be gentle please kiss-assI was wondering if in Australia there are any bugs I need to watch out for or prepare for in flower? I have had a few dramas with spider mites and now need help identifying another couple of things I have noticed when doing a flush. The first is a...