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  1. R

    Suposed loop hole in vehicle searching laws

    In Kansas they have one hour after you get pulled over to charge you with something or they must let you go. As for the K9 unit, as long as you do not give the officer consent, they can only sniff the outside of your car within one hour of stopping you. If you really want to be safe dont touch...
  2. R

    Planting lowryder seeds everywhere...

    What if I were to pull males in established wild marijuana fields and pollinate females with lowryder genes? Does anyone have an idea on how many would auto flower the next season?
  3. R

    Po po stories?

    thats some crazy shit people....heres one for your entertainment...not a grow but here goes I pick up a 1/4 of some mids with my buddy and we head to the gas station for an optimo like usual...we go with peach, he splits it, dumps the guts in the parking lot and we roll...little do we know...
  4. R

    Any strains grow by themselves in the US?

    I know this thread is dead but im gonna post anyways......wild marijuana grows everywhere up and down the kansas river in KC....desperate for pot my friends and i go searching along the river banks and boy were we successful....the plants were definitely sativas, with long skinny blades and some...
  5. R

    A theory on how to measure potency at home

    do you have any material i could read on what gets vaporized?
  6. R

    A theory on how to measure potency at home

    I was thinking about that.....maybe turning the vape way down to dry it out re weigh and note the difference then calculate an approximate potency....
  7. R

    A theory on how to measure potency at home

    I dont.....its just an estimate based on what I have seen off seed bank websites....the results i posted are a guess....I am guessing that after vaporizaion of 1.000 grams there will be .817 grams of cashed plant matter meaning .183 grams of thc was consumed or 18.3% potency for that bud
  8. R

    A theory on how to measure potency at home

    So I was high last night and curious on a way to figure out potency of any bud easily and accurately and so i put this together.... I plan to weigh out exactly one gram of chronic on a scale accurate to 1/1000th of a gram, set my Vapor Brothers Vape to exactly 392 and then smoke it all until...
  9. R

    dirty urine, clean test

    Diluteing your piss with water does work! Both with on the spot strip tests and indirectly with lab tests,if you can get clean. Strip tests dont test for water concentraition or any other regularitys in human piss besides temperatue. Lab tests do look for your piss to be within a certain range...
  10. R

    Vapor Brothers Vaporizer

    Ive actually used a friends VB vape just like ours...practice indeed....i wonder if having the ability to move the whip freely increases the length of the bowl
  11. R

    California quarter

    Hm definatly getting this strain in Lawrence....the stems are extremely thick and the buds arnt as trimmed. Like he said not the most potent but a good smoke. Thoes stems add up....wonder how much on avg. per oz.
  12. R

    Vapor Brothers Vaporizer

    What up everyone, this is my first post from the one and only lawrence kansas. I just purchased a Vapor Brothers non-handsfree vape from Vaper Warehouse and totaled about $180. I upgraded to a fumed whip for only $10 and got 10 screens and a metal poker for another $8. It seems to be a worthy...