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  1. H

    So I Opened a Bag Of Popcorn

    It's so painfully lame. Im sorry.
  2. H

    HazeyBee's 2nd Grow

    Comments / Questions / Suggestions are welcome... My 1st grow produced one male and one female. Due to privacy issues, I had to cut her down before she really had any yield. Check out my first grow. Germination Same seeds as before. A local hybrid called Black Sparrow. Grow Space 60...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    I have some bad news. My grow has been found and I've agreed to cut it down and stop growing. I'm not in any sort of trouble however, just snoopy people. It's been a good ride and great experience. I'll be back with another grow another day. I still view this as a huge success on my part. Grew...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 70 Slowly coming along. I'm contemplating throwing a seed in there and doing a 12/12 from start to end. No LST, just a straight grow. Any thoughts? I just want to do it for experimental reasons.
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 64 Good News! Check it out ;-) It's difficult to see them in the pic, but pistils plain as day shooting out everywhere.
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Woops... I was never good at math... It's 3g/day so.... 45g each per month. Anyway, sounds like they'll be able to find someone for me.
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 59 All my hopes are on this one. May be too early, but that's the only thing I can see that looks like a pistil. At least I don't see pollen sacs growing. In other news... Doctor signed off on my paper work for my MMAP License. I also got the go ahead from family doc and specialist. The...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Plant 1 (larger one) is showing bulb-like structures at the nodes. Man, if those are pollen sacs, I am crushed. I'm 80% sure the large plant is male... confirmation anyone? Plant 2 is showing regular growth... No sign of sacs which I hope is a sign that the pistils are just coming in very fine...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 55 So close...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 52 Nice growth. Day 53 Growth continues. I let them dry up for a week, and the other day I saturated the soil with nutes as much as it would allow. My logic is that they will be thirsty and gobble up those nutes as they rush to take in water. They seem to have worked. The leaves are a...
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    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    LST - BEFORE & AFTER 18 HOURS Day 48 Before the LST! Tied each branch down with wire. I feel like I'm hurting them, and I did nearly snap a main branch on plant 1. I took a pen and cut a 2 cm piece. Then taped it around the broken stem like a stent. Seems to work, it's holding it up...
  12. H

    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 45 I think they're looking good. I should have continued to LST properly but I stopped. I topped them around 30 days. I left them for longer than I should have and they grew up into the light. Bummer. Start flowering? I think maybe in 5 days. They've got room for double their...
  13. H

    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 28 You can see the bend from the LST. I took the anchor string off because it was almost digging into the stem. I need to get some pipe cleaners or something. I'll tie them down some more tonight. Installed a PC fan. It's whisper quiet and moves twice as much air as the old...
  14. H

    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Plant 1 - I think she looks okay. Plant 2 - Not bad for 3 days behind! 18 hours later they've perked up nicely. Showing some great growth from the lower nodes. Better than I expected. There was a bit of a kink in the stem of plant 2 which I was worried about, but it doesn't seem to be...
  15. H

    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 24 Just growin... Day 25 Plant 1 Top & Side Plant 2 Top & Side Today was moving day! The soil was pretty dry so the newest roots are new resting in fresh nutrient rich soil. I watered them through and through with a generic plant food I picked up from Walmart. I watered them down...
  16. H

    PC Stealth Grow help

    Ha. That's my current REAL PC case. I can vouch for it's ample room, but you'd better have it in a cabinet or closet to help close off air flow because it's going to stink like a mofo come flowering. Otherwise I think it would be a good box to grow in. There's certainly ample room for my PC...
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    What am I looking at here?

    ​Hmmm... which one to take...
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    Soil / Transplant Question

  19. H

    What am I looking at here?

    HaHaHa! She's seems to be healthy thus far, I agree. I've always noticed the hairs along stems. So I was a little surprised to see these on my leaves. I was told to expect a potent plant, but I really won't know until the end. Odor control is going to be hell for me... This is a stealth grow...