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  1. T


    15 is too high on the nitrogen for budding. used advanced nutrients ph perfect for best results. all this other nonsense about bananas n stuff is little kid dont kno nothing shit. molasses ok cal ok that kind of thing. but anytime you hear something stupid ask the person to say duuuuuuuuuuh...
  2. T

    What is Cal/Mag 101!

    no body minds if u pipe in. thats how we all learn. talk baby talk!:joint:
  3. T

    feminizing a feminied strain

    stop worring about herms. there are two types. one is genetically predisposed as a herm and carries with it the genes to cause it. the other, the one you ar4e dealing with has noting to do with changing the dna to a herm. all pot has the ability to make male flowers as a result of stress. it is...