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  1. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    Alrighty... It's official, i'm high on vapes from my eGo... I'm about 85% satisfied with the solution... It vapes great, I was a little worried when i filled the cartomizer with it because usually when you add the liquid the wicks become almost invisible immediately. but when i put my "Tinker...
  2. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    oh.. and here's a fat chick at the climbing gym! she's soo high!
  3. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    ... final product (will be testing in an hour or so)
  4. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    i ended up using one of those little filters that came with my keurig
  5. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    Step one
  6. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    ...dripping through cotton cloth. prolly going to need one more strain... thinking about using a microfiber-type pouch thingy that a pair of headphones came in, it just looks real thick to pass through a coffee filter
  7. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    pretty much got it all through the first (metal) strainer. still quite a bit of sediment in it. gonna let it drip for a bit more then give it a mash. thennnn i've got a cloth rubber banded around a glass to do the next straining... im thinking about maybe using a coffee filter for the final...
  8. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    I think that you would have better luck with dryer nugs, but hey; I'm no master, I know nothing.... but I am a servant, and I know Something.
  9. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    So it's been about 25 hours... the mixture is significantly darker (and thicker) than it was in my last update... not quite as dark as i was expecting though.. in the past when i've made 100% glycerin based tinctures, the end solution is almost black... this kinda concerns me because i fear that...
  10. Mr. Blonde

    Can THC / CBD pass through the skin and into your system?

    I often make vegetable glycerin based tinctures with cannabis.. I got that shit all over my hands once and got BLOWN... Use gloves now ;)
  11. Mr. Blonde

    Welcome New Members!

    Ello there everybody. Relatively new to the site... Hope to teach what I know and learn what I don't.... I'd say my specialty cooking, making, oils, tinctures, extracts, etc... hey! I'm gonna post this on 4:20!
  12. Mr. Blonde

    AA is a CULT!

    AA is a Cult... that is all oh yeah, and, NA, CA, and any other "Anonymous"
  13. Mr. Blonde

    Opiate Withdrawal

    Thanks.. appreciate the advice
  14. Mr. Blonde

    cooking a ecig tincture?

    Well I'm about 4 hours into the 24hr method... I went with a 50/50 solution PG/VG (maybe favored the VG a lil). I started small like I said I would. Used about 7 grams of med grade nuggs and a pinch of kif with about 2 fluid ounces of solution... Broke bud up by hand (didn't use grinder) and...
  15. Mr. Blonde

    How many innocent lives are your guns worth?

    so would a stick
  16. Mr. Blonde

    How many innocent lives are your guns worth?

    Guns don't kill people... ignorance does
  17. Mr. Blonde

    How many innocent lives are your guns worth?

    10 children... per gun... i have a lot of guns!
  18. Mr. Blonde

    Opiate Withdrawal

    Baths are sooo good for wd! ! prolly spent 4 hours a day of my first week in my Jacuzzi !
  19. Mr. Blonde

    Opiate Withdrawal

    I know EXACTLY what you went through, specially that restless leg syndrome.. kept me up for 9 days... not gonna lie, you scared me a little bit... I'm on Subs right now. 2 mg. sub lingual films twice a day so only 4 mg a day... Suboxone Saved My Life! i know it's got an opiate in it but since it...
  20. Mr. Blonde

    Opiate Withdrawal

    drinking, huh? Man i've tried drinking to mask the effects of withdrawal before... never really worked for me, always seemed to increase my nausea.. feel like i always regretted the decision to drink when i was "sick"... but hey, if it works for you, GO BEER!