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  1. D

    Does silica kill beneficials?

    The question is, is mineral magic potassium silicate or not...hmmm...I'm still in doubt if I can use Liquid Silicone with beneficials or not (HYDRO, RDWC) Can anyone give a definitive answer? Thank you
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    LED vs HPS

    600W HPS has around 150 lumens/W. Very very good and expensive leds reach 100lm/W! Usually 50lm/W up. Although reflecting losses are less with leds. To be safe, if you want to replace hps lamp, you need at least half the wattage leds. Meaning feeding them with the wattage! Not slaping 100w with...
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    Does silica kill beneficials?

    Ummm, GH says, silica and beneficials dont mix... Any input on that?
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    LED vs HPS

    A little more about life expectancy of leds vs hps. Hps lamps can easly reach 4000-6000h with usable output. Leds they claim 50.000h, which is bogus. They rate them at very low power. For a good light output you need to crank the leds wattage, which shortens their life expectancy a lot! You ate...
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    RDWC root problem, plan to fix, suggestions?

    I'm currently running 12 mini trees in RDWC, 12 buckets with main res, 3rd week of flower, air pumps, circulation, good temps, the works. Using Flora duo at around 1,5EC, RO water. Weekly put in microbiobical tea (EWC + bacterial products) All went great untill about a week ago, when the plats...
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    A sad attempt with DWC - go Coco in the same buckets instead?

    thank you all for advice. I'll try one more time with beneficials. If that does not work, I'll just fill the buckets with coco...
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    A sad attempt with DWC - go Coco in the same buckets instead?

    Noted. Changing res as we speak. Thank you.
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    A sad attempt with DWC - go Coco in the same buckets instead?

    As my limited knowledge goes, I thought EC around 1,0 (500ppm) is acceptable with small plants. With larger I can go higher. OK, I'll lower my EC. Any suggestion? Thank you.
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    A sad attempt with DWC - go Coco in the same buckets instead?

    Maybe I was not clear, I'm not trying to clone. Clones are already made, with roots poking out of rockwool. I'm trying to grow plants. Using only base nutes. Everything else is fighting root rot. Tried beneficials, sterile, more sterile...nothing works. Maybe I could switch to coco in the same...
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    A sad attempt with DWC - go Coco in the same buckets instead?

    I got fed up with soil so I decided to go RDWC. Made a 12 buckets system, 20l each, 250l main reservoir. (Heath Robinson system) Did a lot of reading and stuff, so I got prepared: Water temp 19C, Ph 5,7-5,8, Canna Aqua nutes, EC 1,0-1,1, RO water, big air pumps, stones everywhere, 8000l/h pump...
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    UPDATE2: After spraying the leaves with permethrine 0,25% the situation has greatly improved. No "visible" mites anymore. I gues maybe there are still some eggs there, I'll repeat spraying tommorow, Use some other stuff I bought, I think it is the same as neemo. Maybe would be a good idea to...
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    No, stems are not reddish, look normal brown-green colour. Must be the photo. Light is so intensive, it messes with my phone camera...
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    Sorry, from Europe, I use metric system. They are 5-8 inch tall (12-20 cenitmeters)
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    Update: I think it is spider mites. Don't have magnifying lens, but I think I see them. I sprayed the leaves (bottom side) with permetrine 0,25 % water solution. I'll go to the store and get something else later. I hope it helps. Should Leaves recover now or are they lost? Thank you! This...
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    Sorry about reseeding, it is not a correct word, should use transplanting...not a native speaker, I'm from Europe :joint:
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    First, you are not 'bothering'. This is a learning/ sharing site.;-) Thanks :weed: Temp looks OK, and RH looks ok, but have you put your hand just above the top leaves to feel the heat given off by the lights? Is it warm to your hand? It is warm, but never hot. Have IR Temperature measurnig...
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    Don't see spiders...It is winter outside, +2C max, and I desinfected the whole room and repainted it...Are they really really small?? And yes, sprayed them with lights on...Shouldn't have? Yikes! Is it possible this could have such an effect? Still learning I guess... Thank you!
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    Weird problem, can not figure it out

    Hi guys, I've been lurking here for some time, soaking knowledge an preparing for my first grow. And here it is ... :( I don't want to bother you, but I'm really worried right now, and I can not figure it out by myself. Leaves(upper leaves) on my young plants are turning spotty(yellowish...