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  1. S

    My Art

    i know what ya mean by unfinished. you could do some more shading, be consistent with your lighting, work on your sense of perception (the mushroom specifically, the spores seem off). The reason why they seem unfinished is because theyre more like symbols and tattoos, not drawings/paintings...
  2. S

    My Art

    those are awesome dude, i like the second one best personally, ive drawn similar things with faces that are a bit more abstract and their melting and deforming and stuff, definite inspiration for new stuff, thanks man
  3. S

    Who knows of 2012,

    Agenda 21, they are poisening us with fouride and other chemicals that they feed to cows and other animals that we eat. And since the wter is contaminated that means that all of the vegitation is too. Its goddamn awful what theyre doin and they have all of the time in the world to kill people...
  4. S

    How availiable is cannabis in Costa Rica?

    so sweet! i just happen to be goin to quebec in two and a half weeks! i had no clue weed was practically legal over there
  5. S

    Who knows of 2012,

    yeah, the earth is round, and unless we've been wrong the last couple hundred years, it's been rotating too. But i think i get what you mean. Climates for countries would change drastically, ie china turns into the arctic, and who knows what the moon would do. we would have to relearn how...
  6. S

    Who knows of 2012,

    dude, barrgemike, thats crazy, thanks so much, i watched a similar video called zeitgeist the other day, but that only debunked christianity, 9/11 and central banking, this covered so much more.
  7. S

    Stories you won't see in the Main Stream Media.

    actually, the war is very profitable, just not for us people who aren't in it. PMC's are the majority of the fighting force over there and they get huge contracts, ie: Blackwater. Despite pillaging a village, they were rehired with a new contract after their old one expired. Banks are also...