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  1. tokinguybri

    What have I done?

    They grew well until I upped the nute strength. The root growth is coming through the baskets. Do you think the transfer shocked them, or upping the nutes?
  2. tokinguybri

    What have I done?

    These are 4 week old skunk plants. I transfered them from dirt to DWC system at 3 weeks. Ran 6 days at 550PPM, then I put the nutes (Foxfarm Grow big Hydro) at 900ppm and the things started showing these brown spots. Is this burn or a deffincency? I flushed and ran Hi-Ox and water for 3 days...
  3. tokinguybri

    Best places to buy cfl's

    If the government would step and make them buy and sell US goods that would fix the problem. And theres no reason they can't or shouldn't, but they are to busy with the war on drugs and the war on terror... yadayadayada... oh yea off topic, CFL's right, right...
  4. tokinguybri

    Best places to buy cfl's

    I hate walmart too. For a hundred reasons. I also know probably 50 people that say how much they hate it. But we all shop there. Mainly because it's close and it's cheap, and there are very few small local business' left because they cannot compete... So anyway... like I said in my original...
  5. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    Things are looking good. I have had them on the FoxFarms for 3 days, and the HPS for 2, and already, they have a new leaf set starting and have shot up an inch or so. My TDS meter came yesterday, and using it I found that by closely following the instructions on the Grow Big Hydro nutes for...
  6. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    Cool man, that gives idea of some possible results. I'm pretty happy with my SH purchase so far.
  7. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    Heres a good picture of my fluro rig. In this photo, it was setup for about 15000 lumens. I've added 2 more 4 ft. T-8 tubes to make it over 20000 lumens. 4X 32W 6500K 4ft T8 tubes @2700 lumens each = 128W / 10800 Lumens 4X 42W 6500K T2 Spiral CFL's @ 2800 lumens each = 168w / 11200 Lumens...
  8. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    Heres the before and after of the space I decided to use for my flowering chamber. I still have not decided on a final place for my mothers and clones to veg. Within the next three weeks before I start flowering, I plan on getting the vegging area setup.
  9. tokinguybri

    Best places to buy cfl's

    One thing to be sure of too, the reflectors from walmart use the medium base screw in connector, if they are like the $6-$7 ones. Make sure the bulbs you order are medium base and not mogul base.
  10. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    My Bulb came today, and my babies are now under HPS. I switched them to FoxFarm Grow Big Hydroponic yesterday from whatever generic shit I got with my Stealth Hydro setup. They looked a little droopy this morning, but I got the new light on them about 1pm, and by 7pm they were sittin' pretty...
  11. tokinguybri

    Best places to buy cfl's

    I went to walmart and bought four parabolic reflectors with 15' cords for like $7 a piece, then went to and bought four TCP 42W 6500K Medium Base T2 SpringLamp, which are rated for 2800 initial lumens and cost just under $12 per bulb, plus the shipping was about $10 for 4...
  12. tokinguybri

    First Indoor / Hydro Grow

    So here are some pics of my first indoor/hydro grow, which is now in its fourth day. So far I have learned that algae grows very quickly in 4 Gallon DWC's, and that 10,000 lumens of 6500K Floro light is not enough to support 12 plants. The bigger plants you see in the pictures came from a...