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  1. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    I think Ron Paul would probably be in that quadrant (right libertarian). Although perhaps slightly to the right as you're pretty close to center on the economic scale. Rocky Anderson is in that quadrant as well. While he's to the left of you on...
  2. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    Here's where I am according to the political compass. Looks about right to me.
  3. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    I didn't see him say that property would be passed down to progeny. In fact he stated he accepts the Proudhonian conception of property and the distinction between possessions and property. Speaking of privilege, the much more difficult issue than sorting out property vs possession will be...
  4. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    I see many individuals who self identify as "ancap" explain their ideals in a manner that is quite Proudhondian and in those instances I feel their ideals are probably compatible with traditional anarchist thought. Is Proudhons distinction flawed? Sure, but it's a start. Myself, I try to look at...
  5. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    Proudhon asserted "property is freedom!" meaning the fruit of ones labor, ones home and tools. The land an individual's home is is personal property. Conversely when he referred "property is theft" refers to private property - means of production and land which are being used to extract the...
  6. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    confused because if ancaps share these foundational perspectives i'm not sure why all the freaking infighting is necessary!!! i.e. let's all get the statists on the same page, smash hierarchies, and figure out how to exchange goods and services from the bottom up as we go. it does seem like...
  7. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    None of those images represent horizontal associations. Indeed, race and class were important dynamics in the Zimmerman-Martin case... Next time try using your words like a big boy.
  8. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    A doctor is an example of legitimate authority in the form of specialized knowledge. It is a voluntary association and I am free to ignore their advice or seek the opinion of another practitioner. If you think that concentrated power is not problematic I would advise you to read some Foucault...
  9. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    I normally don't post "memes" but this is just too relevant... Not to mention LOL for any other nerds into sociological stuffs ;)
  10. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    Mondran corporation is an example of successful large-scale long-term worker ownership and control of the means of production (i.e. socialism). When workers own and control the means of production, such as occurs in worker cooperatives, they more likely to consider externalities and worker...
  11. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    anarchy is the opposition of hierarchy. voluntary horizontal associations are peachy fucking keen.
  12. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    See this is where I end up getting confused... How are the "truly free markets" that ancaps envision different than mutualism? Because in the context I see a some (not all) ancaps talk about free markets it sounds far more like mutualism than capitalism (as I recognize it). Under your vision of...
  13. J

    Where are people on the political spectrum?

    I think that, overall, the left-right paradigm boxes us in and discourages free thinking. That said, if I had to slap a "political"/ideological label on myself I'd self identify most closely as an anarchist. Radical feminism and certain sociological frameworks also shape my personal philosophy a...
  14. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    Point taken. I would agree that they are not compatible under my understanding of anarchism (absence of hierarchy) and my understanding of capitalism (hierarchy in that some individuals are able to exploit the labor of others and accumulate capital by controlling the means of production).
  15. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    While Somalia is indeed a stateless society it is not anarcho anything.. There are warlords ergo hierarchy ergo not at all anarchistic.
  16. J

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    I registered here expressly for the purpose of clarifying this... Traditional strains of anarchism DO differentiate this and it is basically as described above. "Social anarchy" (as you called it) does not avoid this at all!! Proudhon was the first person to self identify using the term...