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  1. B

    CFL and LED vs MH

    I built my light set up from 12 100 waat cfl bulbs and on the outside of those i placed red blue and clear led rope lights. I have gotten to the lst 2-3 weeks and I am not seeing much bud.I have 6 plants in a 4 by 4 by 73 tent. I was told that the lace of weight is I am not using MH light. I was...
  2. B

    L.E.D rope lights

    I am new to growing and thought i would build a light out of 100 watt cfl and 1 red 16 ft rope tight 1 blue rope light and 1 clear 16 ft rope light as well as 16 100 watt cfl lights. I found light sockets that you can plug into a wall or in my case a power strip those with a Y socket and 3 power...
  3. B

    Why have i never though of this.. HID Car headlights are cheaper than HID grow-lights

    i was driving at night and thought why cant i go to the auto pick a art yard and get not only the bulbs but the light socket wiring and any other parts needed to make this work.I was thinking that i might be able to pull a power supply to power why buy any of the things needed to build this when...