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  1. fakula

    CVault storage

    I'm thinking of buying an XL CVault, I just want to know how much you can store in the containers, I'm hoping to harvest a good few ounces and don't want to buy one that's too small, any feedback would be sound!
  2. fakula

    My first grow

    id go for either a 400w or 600w hps
  3. fakula

    1st grow, beginers luck?? day 50 today

    any pictures? Would be great to have a peek at her ;)
  4. fakula

    1st grow, beginers luck?? day 50 today

    thanks every body!! :D roll on harvest day is all i can think of right now!!!! patience patience patience, I'll upload more pics around flushing time, thanks again for the encouragement!! Giving it 5ml per litre of Biobizz Grow and TopMax, you're right tho, it is a nute whore!! she can't get...
  5. fakula

    1st grow, beginers luck?? day 50 today

    here they are at day 57, thinking of giving them another 2 weeks before flushing
  6. fakula

    1st grow, beginers luck?? day 50 today

    WW auto, pics of 3 out of the 5 girls I have, looks like a year and a half of research paid off, can WW auto'd run up to 12 weeks?????
  7. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    there's 2 very unprofessional pics of the strongest lady, other 4 are just a tad smaller...enjoy
  8. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    Cool, thanks for your help, ill try to remember to post pics a few days before the harvest :)
  9. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    Gave them 1ml per litre of the Grow in the end and 4ml per litre of Bloom and TopMax a few days ago, yes the main growth spurt has stopped, bud sites are plumping up nicely too, it's my 1st grow and to be honest I've exceeded my own expectations of how far i was gonna get :) I'm using a Homebox...
  10. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    and I have another 4-5 weeks left of flowering time, the last week to ten days ill flush them
  11. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    I do, I know I'm supposed to be giving them 4ml per litre this week but like i said if i reduce the grow by 2 or 3 ml can i add an extra ml of Bloom and TopMax to compensate the drop in the Grow nute, I hope this makes sense, I'm on day 43 with my white widow auto's and I have been sticking to...
  12. fakula

    BioBizz feeding question

    just starting week 7 and im reducing my Grow nute, I was wondering,by reducing the BioGrow can i compensate by adding an extra ml per litre of the BioGrow and TopMax? Or just feed them the normal amount for the week they're in? Thanks again, I'll post up some pics soon
  13. fakula

    Transplanting auto-flowers??

    i have my 5 auto's in little soil propagators and they are about 1-2" tall after 3 days, I have been using a 125w cfl on them since they sprouted through, I'm using a 80 x 80cm by 160cm height, is it the right time to re-pot them and start using my 400w hps, i saw that if you start using it 3ft...
  14. fakula

    When to remove humidity dome

    No, I don't have a humidifier, thats why i thought the cfl with the humidity dome would be ok, have my venting up top fine and oscilating fan clipped to the side cooling the air by the seedlings, also how tall in inches should they be before i start using my 400w hps? cheers for your help
  15. fakula

    When to remove humidity dome

    direct LIGHT
  16. fakula

    When to remove humidity dome

    My seeds broke ground there maybe 36 hours ago, im using a 125w cfl on 5 auto's, im just wondering should i remove the dome and let em get direct logut or keep it on for another few days until they're a bit's my 1st grow so i wanna be doing everything right, cheers
  17. fakula

    waiting for em to crack

    SUCCESS!!!!!! they all popped, took the lid off the box, 24 hours later they all pop, here goes my 1st grow :)
  18. fakula

    waiting for em to crack

    I have them I'm my sitting room in the box wrapped in a towel,left the heater on low to keep the temperature up,I'll go and open the seal on the box and see what happens,I have auto white widow seeds,thanx for your help
  19. fakula

    waiting for em to crack

    Hi everybody, this is my first post on here so be nice, I've been doing my research for the last year and finally bit the bullet and went and got a grow kit, just put my seeds in paper towels inside an air tight plastic box and no sign of a taproot yet, it's been over 36 hours, is this normal...