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  1. august west

    Spider mites-best to remove infested plants to save the others?

    i have two sativas in flower along with 5 other indicas , the two sativas have been badly damaged by the spider mites but the others seem to not have been affected too badly at all. at what point is it best to just remove the infected plants. we have used various pesticides for edible vegetable...
  2. august west


    What about using molasses with coco coir that may have a little soil on top because i had nothing else around to cover the roots that were showing so i grabbed some dirt from another plant that was growing in soil. Maybe just a little while flushing before harvest?
  3. august west


    its easier to just go from H to suboxone or subutex rather than to go from methadone to sub, however methadone is the answer for some of us, but i am a rambler and need my freedom, suboxone you have your script and you go where you want, with the done it takes months just to get a few take home...
  4. august west


    also getting clean takes a great amount of adaptation so next time you want to take an idea from someone who is smarter than you(charles darwin) and try to use it to validate your superiority make sure you understand the idea first,oh yea we already know understanding isnt your forte' but i...
  5. august west


    used to have a bad H habit, think it started from my willingness to say fuck it and try anything like base jumping or shooting heroin. it came to the point to where the physical dependency kicked in and then i had to have it to be normal. I put the needle down after about two years of shooting...
  6. august west

    buds done early? looks so with microscope and to the eye. almost ready for harvest?

    haha .i have heard from some people that their widows were late ripening so its kinda weird but i think the plant is just getting ample amounts of light so it matured early.
  7. august west

    buds done early? looks so with microscope and to the eye. almost ready for harvest?

    I have a white widow with a few other plants in the room. This particular widow in the room is right in between a 1000 watt hps and a reflector hood hung from the door frame. About 35 to 40 percent of the hairs are orange and the trichomes observed under a microscope 60x-100x show about 60...
  8. august west

    How long to Flower / Ripen ?

    i had a widow right up on a 1000watt hps come down at about 5 and a half weeks. I observed many samples under a microscope and decided to start flushing
  9. august west


    I have no sound, is there an explanation as to why germinating in a paper towel is better than germinating in a cube? maybe so you can see exactly where the roots are and place the germinating plant in medium accordingly?
  10. august west

    distance from bulb ?

    i think you will be okay if you just make sure from the beginning to tie your limbs or do whatever to keep them from growing towards and eventually touching the light. i have a flower room with one 1000 watt hps, a 400 watt hps , 200 watt halide and two cfls in the back two corners of room and...
  11. august west


    im not familiar with flowering as soon as clones form roots, i guess you would just have a little plant with low yield? everything else sounds good though, my ppm are usually around 125x10 . make a good ventilation system, i use an intake fan an exhaust fan pulling air out of the room. what...
  12. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    I believe that i am getting adequate runoff but i definitely will pay more attention to make sure its 20 percent. they usually get around 2 liters (half a gallon) each time they are fed. i will also pay more attention to the moisture content of the coir, it usually seems to be pretty drained or...
  13. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    that sounds about like mine, I feed 3 or more times a day though, my roots seem to stay pretty moist but i have been letting them go a little longer without feeding.
  14. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    also i usually test around 125x 10 ppm and around 6 on ph
  15. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    i have healthy widows,rhinos, bubba kush, super silver haze, and afghani milk. most of those strains i have some in flower with a few about 2 to 3 weeks away from harvest with nice developed trichomes. I am just doing some fine tweaking so i will take your advice. i haven't had any root rot so...
  16. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    coco coir to be exact, im not sure if it matters
  17. august west

    Advice wanted-Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets

    Im using 5 gallon buckets with a coco mix and clay pellets for medium. I am using jungle juice nutes(micro and bloom) on veg side and adding bloomfx by xnutrients and maxibloom powder by general hydroponics mixed with water on flower side. The dry nutes are used every 3 or 4 days. The buckets...