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  1. G

    92w cfls cabinet grow :D

    thanks dudes im trying my hardest to keep it alive. i might be trying a bit too hard :( yeah it was a bit over watered. i transplanted it into fox farms ocean forest earlier and its getting alot of nute burn :( i took the whole root ball out with the old lambert soil and put into the new pot...
  2. G

    92w cfls cabinet grow :D

    well ive been in the hospital for 3 days cause i have some kidney stones. here is a update day 36 can some one please tell me what that little dot means on the close up of the stem. i have a feeling its a male but iam not sure if its old enough to tell and i just re potted today cause it was...
  3. G

    92w cfls cabinet grow :D

    iam using lamberts 100% potting soil and 4 23w ecosmart bulbs on 24 hour cycle. i added miracle grow all purpose plant food a couple times and the plant didnt react well to it. i will put a picture of its progress when i get a chance. its 32 days old please let me know if its as healthy and...
  4. G

    92w cfls cabinet grow :D

    hello i wanted to document my pics on here so i can delete them off my phone :weed: i got the plant on 1/26/13 cause my friend wasnt allowed to have it. he had it for 2 days im gonna put the dates i took them and upload all the pics all at once. there in order 1/26/13 1/27/13 1/29/13 1/29/13...
  5. G

    New growth tips yellowing :( helpppppp!

    I tested the run off from the plant for Ph and it was below 7.4 ... I just added some miracle grow mixed with the baby water, hopefully it fixes the yellow tips.
  6. G

    New growth tips yellowing :( helpppppp!

    Well I tested the tap water and it was at 8.8 using my fishtank test kit. I tested a gallon of purified water for babys at it is lower then 7.4 (test kit only has from 7.4 - 8.8) should I use the baby water?
  7. G

    New growth tips yellowing :( helpppppp!

    can i test it with a fishtank test kit ? and maybe 2 weeks ago. im scared to add the mg i dont wanna over feed it.
  8. G

    New growth tips yellowing :( helpppppp!

    Anyone? Cmon help me
  9. G

    New growth tips yellowing :( helpppppp!

    hello, newb here. my set up 4 23w ecosmart cfls lambert 100% organic potting soil with perlite water every 2 or 3 days (when the pot gets to its original dry weight) nutrients i use mg all purpose plant food (only dosed 3 times and very little maybe 1/3 of a cup) well my problem is that...
  10. G

    3 1/2 week Old Plant in distress o.0

    well the soil iam using is called lambert 100% organic potting soil.
  11. G

    3 1/2 week Old Plant in distress o.0

    i havent fed. just making sure i wasnt supposed to. it looks wet cause i misted the top and took the pic like 5 min before i posted it. it drys up pretty fast. which is why i water every 2 days. i have 3 100w equivalent cfl's about 3 inches away on 24 hour light.
  12. G

    3 1/2 week Old Plant in distress o.0

    i cant remember the name :( , i went to home depot and bought a organic soil that came in a white bag. i can get the name if that means anything
  13. G

    3 1/2 week Old Plant in distress o.0

    its been a week since i transplanted the other pot had no drains. and i got a hammer and broke the yellow pot and put it exactly how it was into the new pot every how often would you recomend ? should i be adding any nutes (i have some miracle grow all purpose plant food 12-4-8 ) ? ive been...
  14. G

    3 1/2 week Old Plant in distress o.0

    hello ive been noticing that my plant isnt growing and its not as big as another plant i planted at the same time using the same water schedule and same soil the bottom leaves are yellowing and rotting i water every 2 days or once the soil is pretty dry (ive lost a couple pups to overwatering...