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  1. S

    ph in - ph out runoff

    Hey. Cant bang my head around this because i think i got some ph problems and hugged the whisky bottle to much today. i water my medium with ( plagron allmix ) water at a ph of 5.75 and get a runoff of 6.3 it's the Ph for runoff i am looking for to be within the 6-7 ph range, correct? Am...
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    Northen lights Problem ( humidity )

    It was just a thought i got ;) haven´t poppep the bottle. anyway its bio bizz light mix and contains perlite. from what i understand its almost a soil-less. Jh 1 wich doesnt show much of this problem is watered more frequently, 2-4 days depending on me. edit . could it be a multiple...
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    Northen lights Problem ( humidity )

    So we meet again Rui. Thanks for helping out. 13 of feb, 31 days above soil. 7 days since last watering. will be feed/watered tomorrow depending what answers i might get :) Every plant still shows the problem, in percentages its 25,20,10,3 % where 25% would be the coverage od the leaves of the...
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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    well nevertheless. you seems strong to me battling all this bs.
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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Usually get paid. but like i said send me an pm and we pick it up from there. You have been posting alot in this thread, seems you got some issues. maybe your afraid to talk to adults or other people for that matter about whats eating you. i´d could be the first step crossing this crucial line...
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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    you are also welcome to send me a pm. maybe your psyciatric needs vacation?
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    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    I just went thru about 100 pages of wow. little here little there. last video 56 days old, so small so tiny; why think of trimming? I do think some people answering in your thread got some real issues like the rest of us. but Finshaggy, you suprise me. if you need someone to talk to you could...
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    Northen lights Problem ( humidity )

    thanks. Ill update tomorrow or the 14 th so yall know whats up. humidity is my best guess and lets hope the leaves stay like this or just die off, no spreading thanks :)
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    Northen lights Problem ( humidity )

    Hey guys. some info of my setup. MH 250 w , w cooltube 2x2x5,5 - 60x60x160cm, displacement around 4 Inches from plants ( 78 fahreinheit at highest ) Humidity goes from 40-55 % soil is light mix, bio bizz. bio-grow as nutrient. ( same soil before and after transplant ) 9L = 2US gal. Watering...