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  1. HiREEFA

    Pinapple chunk grow 4x4 tent 600w hps...

    Serious?? How long would i need to veg, Ive actually got 4 P chunks in 5gallon spart pots and 1 P Chunk in a 2gallon , Thanks iRe
  2. HiREEFA

    Pinapple chunk grow 4x4 tent 600w hps...

    Thanks for he honesty bro, how long do you recon i would have to veg to achieve something like 1lbs in a 1.2x1.2x2.0 tent using the Scrog technique??
  3. HiREEFA

    Pinapple chunk grow 4x4 tent 600w hps...

    A litttle input would be nice pplz?:dunce:
  4. HiREEFA

    Pinapple chunk grow 4x4 tent 600w hps...

    Looking for all the help i can get to hopefully pull 16-20 ozeeez:blsmoke: . Am i dreaming? could i achieve this with a scrog?:sleep: Heres my set up so far .... week 0-1.5
  5. HiREEFA

    Avoiding the PH game, noob

    cool bro, im about to do a grow myself with soil, im going 100% organic with plant magict soil and the biobizz starter kit, Just wondering because i didnt invest in a ph meter or the up/dwn am i likely to encounter problems in soil? 1