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  1. K

    White Widow in Sunny Sheffield

    Yeah but snowed under with things. mums in the Northern General since the Bank Holiday so spending all my time there. Will take a pic of Bill and Ben now they are 11 days old later and update you all. Sorry for not posting lately, but I think you will all understand why. All the best...
  2. K

    White Widow in Sunny Sheffield

    cheers Doc, yes I should have renamed them but we burners do have a sense of humour unlike the brown and white users. Glad you got the joke,it might be wasted on our colonial brothers across the pond. Hope if they do read my posts they dont think im have a laugh at them,maybe they would...
  3. K

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Hi, thanks for the reply Kulan Hunter. I have attempted to do what you said ,if its not worked you will realise that Im a complete bafoon with these computer things. To all the rest of you thanks for welcoming me.Great weather today if you are a duck!
  4. K

    White Widow in Sunny Sheffield

    Hi to you all, first time grower here in the UK. Two Seeds from the Dam from a mate believed to be White Widow. Put into Growmore general purpose compost on 22 May 2008.Currently in 5" pots. Both have germinated and will have to be grown outdoors as I have no lights or anything like that...
  5. K

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Hi Kulan Hunter, thanks for the reply,If you could please explain to me how I do the journal thing and signature bit as I am not really into this forum posting thing as computers are not my bag. Kitkat332
  6. K

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Hi to you all, Newbi to the site as in just joined. This is Bill and Ben White Widow and five days old and just poking out and will be grown outside in one of those plastic cover greenhouse things that are about 4 foot high. Never grown before so any advice would be good. I hope to take...