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  1. S

    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    7 Weeks flower Another week, week and a half? What'ya reckon? I'm not that worried but anyone know what these brown spots are from? Root bound maybe...
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Haven't been on this in a good while but thanks for that lads! I decided against transplanting. I'm uploading photos now
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    Puffdatchronic's White Label Northern Lights Grow Journal

    That's a gorgeous plant! Sub'd
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Can anyone give me advice? (last two questions)
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Day 49[23 Flower] Watered and fed today. Does this look like nute burn in the 3rd photo?
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    Worried this could be a Hermie, Please help!

    Cheers for the link.....ya they're quite big in that, I guess I have a bit of time too see what develops Thanks
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    Worried this could be a Hermie, Please help!

    Will do man, Thanks very much
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    Worried this could be a Hermie, Please help!

    Rights thank you, would it be worth waiting to see if a hair does pop out?
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    Worried this could be a Hermie, Please help!

    Best photos i could take
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    Just a Girl Tryin' to Grow Some GDP and Cheese!

    WOW, Bravo:clap:
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    The three plants are in 1.5 gallon tubs. Is it worth transplanting for the 2nd time and moving them into bigger pots?
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    First indoor grow 12/12 from seed with Cfls

    No experience with 12/12 from seed so can't give ya any advice really. I'm subbed up anyway, as I might give it a go next grow. Good luck good sir
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Thanks man. One of my mates is considering growing and actually has one of them frdges hanging around.Good idea! Best of luck with your grow and hopefully the growth picks up. Peace
  14. S

    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Day 44 [18 in flower] All three plants confirmed female, pistols everywhere:-o They've gotton alot bushier since Lst. I'm in two minds whether to start trimming/lollipopping.......see how it goes i suppose.
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    Leaf problem, and possible hermie?

    Just seen these replies now[not having internet's a nightmare] That's reasuring to hear, nute splash makes sense. All three of the plants turned out female,...delighted. Thanks for the input lads, advice taken and much respect!
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    Leaf problem, and possible hermie?

    Sorry man, my camera's muck. Everytime i try to get real closeup it's all distorted. thought someone MIGHT be able to tell with that photo :(
  17. S

    Leaf problem, and possible hermie?

    These brown spots seem to only be on these leaves. Anyone know what could be causing this? Also, and i know it's not a great photo but can anyone tell if this is a hermie or not? There is definatly pistols on other nodes Thank you
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    There's small pistols on all three plant:) One could be a hermie but still a bit too early to tell. I'll try and get good photos up later
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    This morning i've noticed a tiny pistol on one plant. beauty
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    Stufbob's First Indoor Grow - Blue Mystic - 125W CFL

    Day 33 Right, I've decided to lst these plants till the end. Probably be stupid not to considering i'm only using cfl's. So here they are...