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  1. R

    Has my plant fraked(herm) or making seeds or what is this??

    2 weeks ago changed lights to 12/12, fuck... i tought this was a girl :(
  2. R

    Has my plant fraked(herm) or making seeds or what is this??

    I tought this plant was a female, but now it looks like there is a ballsack? Or is she "pregnant", making seed? (had male in same cabinet, threw it away before it polluted) or herm?
  3. R

    first time dwc. root rot?

    Does it smell "bad" ? Is your rez light proof? Temperature? I noticed when i used 3 parts formula nutrients (advanced nutrient of holland), the roots gets darker, probably because of the micro nutrient, dunno..
  4. R

    Did too high EC this?

    up the post goes. plant in the first pics is looking rly bad now. Plain water now in bubbler. hope she recovers.
  5. R

    Did too high EC this?

    Ahoy, Never grown anything in bubbler, before. Plant of the pic is 4 weeks old. PH 5.2, when it raises to 6, i drop it back to 5.2. Using AHH nutrients, 30ml Grow,15ml Bloom and Micro per 20 litres of water. Normally ec had been between 1-1.7 Yesterday i checked the ec, it was 2.7. Looks like...