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  1. rsrastas

    Classic Seeds Grow Journal

    Honestly I do the same with my tomatoes. I have a plant that's going on her 5th tomato producing season this year. In a pot, fed very lighlty basically every watering. Its an heirloom we like for sauce so we wanted to keep her around and shes doing great. Until that I had not really seen a...
  2. rsrastas

    Classic Seeds Grow Journal

    So you must feed often then? At that low of an ec you could possibly feed every watering as long as you follow through with enough run each feeding? And a salt flush like what, every couple weeks? I like your regime and outcome, just wrapping my brain around it. I found your posts when searching...
  3. rsrastas

    Classic Seeds Grow Journal

    What ec levels do you keep everything at when feeding in a soiless mix like promix HB? During flowering specifically but ec levels in grow I suppose are just as interesting to me. I like to feed light as I can but my mountain water fluctuates from .3 -.6 depending on snowfall so im forced to...