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  1. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    we went out today and there was water on the plants. it has been completely sunny and rained at 3 a.m. tonight at 8 p.m. it was still sunny with low humidity. the plants were really droopy but not wilted. with these water droplets on them, we dont understand considering its been a...
  2. easyskanking1313

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    hey man what kind of insecticide did you use? me and my friend had terrible bug problems then put a neem oil solution on the plants then came back the next day and misted them with some water with a drop of dish soap in it. they both seem to be working great.:mrgreen:
  3. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    thanks for all of the advice man i really appreciate it. im pretty sure we will be using foxfarm grow big nutes. the soil works so well im banking on the nutes giving us the same result.
  4. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    First transplant went very smooth. The plant has grown quite a bit over the past two days. We plan on buying nutes/food in the next few days some of the plants are looking hungry. New pictures will be sometime next week.
  5. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    yeah we put a decent number of holes in the trash bag. we plan on using the larger bags of ffof for our plots.
  6. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    today was a special day. our first transplant took place this morning. we filled up a triple lined trash bag with 3 parts ffof and 1 part perlite. the plant we chose to transplant was our oldest which is named big sally. she's goin on 3 1/2 weeks from seed. we put 4 stakes in the ground...
  7. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    they are all varying ages because our first grow got destroyed by a storm they all are around 1-3 weeks old. the biggest plant is 3 weeks of age. thanks for posting.
  8. easyskanking1313

    First Big Guerilla Scene

    That is a lot of marijuana plants. Check out my guerilla grow any advice would be great. GL with your grow.
  9. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    we have used plastic bags before when its been really muddy but we normally just walk on the grass so footprints are not a huge deal as of now.
  10. easyskanking1313

    5 White widow girlies

    amazing man keep up the good work.
  11. easyskanking1313

    Bagseed 70w 1 x 2 Micro Closet Grow..First Time!!

    fuckin looks amazing man, keep up the good work. check out my journal i just added new pics.
  12. easyskanking1313

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    thanks for the comment. we like the clay pots a lot. keep up the good work buddy.
  13. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    Sorry about not posting for a while, ive been on a trip while my friend managed everything perfectly. The plants are looking good. We saw that some damage had been caused by bugs. Mostly white flies, leafhoppers, and ants. One plant had its leaf chomped pretty bad. If any...
  14. easyskanking1313

    When is too late to use neem?

    yeah man, im sure that you can use neem oil at anytime. good luck, i hope it works out and those fuckin mites go away :)
  15. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    New pics will be coming soon. Most of our plants were destroyed by a really bad thunderstorm. But since we had been sprouting so many were not in that bad of shape. We have about 25 plants above ground right now with about half looking great. Some of the plants that aren't doing so...
  16. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    Thanks for your post chimchalmers, ill go pick some of those up asap. i think slits in the trash bags should work out just fine.
  17. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    yeah man no kidding. fuck squirrels. sorry to hear about that.
  18. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    Tonight I'm moving the plants to a new location so they get more sun hopefully that will help stop all the stretching.
  19. easyskanking1313

    Gurrila growing madness

    I'm currently doing a guerilla grow if anyone is interested check out the link in my signature.
  20. easyskanking1313

    First Midwest Guerilla Grow

    Yeah i think they will start growing really well soon. its only been 10 days since we put them in the soil so i think we are right on schedule. Thanks for the post.