Hi all, came home today and it look like my plant has taken a turn? Leaves are all droopy and like almost folded in? I been watering every 2-3 days, twice with bio-gro then once with water? any ideas?
no pics at mo, its only about 14 days old, in pot, was lookine fine 2 days ago leaves were almost pointing upwards, but now there like hanging!! shall i just leave in the sun for a couple of days and not water?
ok I get it! you reckon i should wait for about 5 weeks of growth then go into flowering? I understand it take a 2-3 week b4 you can tell the sex? after that i guess i flower till mr big budly comes along?
Afternoon all! I have a pre-emptive question! I have a couple of little beauties about 10 days old now, looking healthy and growing quick. They are outside most of the time and I put them in my conservatory if it gets a bit chilli! I reckon there getting about 16 hours of daylight a day. Now in...
Its costs!! ($700) but after 6 months you'd make your money back! I like to think anyway! So whats the general opinion? PC or NOT? You reckon the topping and indica could work?
Ye ta! Well ive seen the old Hydro Grow advertisement! - (Hydro-Grow would like to introduce to you the new "Pc Grow Room Pro" the latest addition to our "PC GROW ROOM" range. It is taller! wider! deeper! 56.5 cm x 54.5 cm x 24 cm) Its costs about £350 for a starter kit, im sure youve all seen...
hello! Wanted to ask a few questions as like a few ppl on here I want to start growing! I know nothing other than what i have read on this site but it all seems not too complicated and allot of ppl seem really helpfull :) My question is: Is it worth starting off with a PC grow to learn a few...