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  1. happynoodleboy

    Cleaning hydro gear

    Hi People. My hanna ph pen started giving me readings of 0.2 ph in water that has been through an R.O. filter. I looked closer and it looked like it had a build up of nutrients on the paper strip. Does anyone have some good tips for cleaning in general? Thanks!
  2. happynoodleboy

    Reverting to Veg

    What can cause a plant to start putting out branches and leaves after it has flowers developing? Hard water? Too much pH down? Thanks for any input!
  3. happynoodleboy

    Where / How can I buy bottled co2 discretely?

    This is awesome! My city is small (27 000 pop) so discretion is key. Thank you everybody for your help!
  4. happynoodleboy

    Where / How can I buy bottled co2 discretely?

    Newbie question! Where can I get a bottle filled with co2? My grow space is too small for a burner apparently…
  5. happynoodleboy

    Reverting to Veg from flower, 12/12 maintained, wtf?

    You guys have already solved my problem for me with help from the CFL forum. They said that CFLs lose their intensity and should be replaced every grow. You guys are saying weak lighting looks like the problem. This is the 3rd harvest for these bulbs so they are going! For the record I keep my...
  6. happynoodleboy

    Old CFLs?

    How many harvests can you put CFLs through? Specifically 23w=100w soft white for flowering.
  7. happynoodleboy

    Reverting to Veg from flower, 12/12 maintained, wtf?

    Hi Cannabis growing community. Any idea why a plant would start to revert to veg after growing some serious flowers... Can you see the crazy foxtail? I'm certain my lights are 12/12. Been checking them since this madness started. The lights are 6 x soft white 23w=100w CFLs. Here's the site I...
  8. happynoodleboy

    Normal or Abnormal?

    Another question, when seed breeders say 70 day flowering period, is that from when you switch the lights to 12/12 or is it from when you start to see female flowers?
  9. happynoodleboy

    Normal or Abnormal?

    I just took a look at the timer and it's set to 12/12. I shake co2 bottles every night when the lights come on, and they are out during the day when I look... Good input though. Another thing is, although she is fox tailing, she is still putting on bud weight. This is my first grow with...
  10. happynoodleboy

    Normal or Abnormal?

    Hey RIU! I'm growing this strain called Tangerine Dream. This lady keeps putting on vertical growth well into flowering! Check out the top to the left in this picture... Above the bulk of bud growth it's got this little sprout of veg growth on top. What's up with that? The right top has maxed...
  11. happynoodleboy

    EC levels?

    That's perfect don dapa. I just picked up an EC meter and was looking for some baselines to start. Thanks a lot!
  12. happynoodleboy

    EC levels?

    What EC levels are average for seedling, veg, flower, flush?
  13. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    pizzapuffer, you are where I want to be. I'm heading there though. Here's the strains I have picked out... and... I just wanted to get my hydro set...
  14. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    The closet my lady is in is 24F (75.2 F). Thermometer for measuring water temp is coming...
  15. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    pH perfect? sign me up! I'm down with anything to make growing easier at this point. Thanks!
  16. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    I can't be certain of the strain since it did come from a friend's bag of of weed that she said was kush, but I my educated guess is that it's 60% indica 40% sativa. Thanks alot for the facts about temperatures and the right pH level.
  17. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    Thanks again djxtreme. I'd smoke you up if I could. :bigjoint:
  18. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    Does it shock the plant to make the reservoir change immediately after mixing the nutrients and adjusting the PH? Should I wait to let the nutrients and PH down disperse evenly in the water before testing the levels?
  19. happynoodleboy

    Burning at 300 PPM

    That was a suspicion. Thanks for the input! The PH of my tap water is 7.0 and I've been taking it down to around 6.0 (according to the coloured liquid tester). I'm going to buy this tester -->...
  20. happynoodleboy

    Help Me Get Started On a Small Stealth Grow, Please. If nothing else this site will show you how a professional grow cabinet looks. I want to buy their trailer...