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  1. U

    Take a guess at one of my many problems or questions

    Disregard the lights, the problem persisted long before I switched to the higher wattage LED.
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    Take a guess at one of my many problems or questions

    I'm growing in pro-mix ultimate organic and I just switched from a 90 watt led to a 240 watt led, and am using roots organic nutrients. The plants vegged for about two months (they are all autos) and they have been flowering for about five weeks. One of my plant's leaves are folding upward and...
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    Is my plant flowering?

    Not on a 12/12 cycle, but they are autoflowers.
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    Is my plant flowering?

    Is my plant flowering or can it still technically be in pre-flower?
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    I'm leaning more towards zinc deficiency now that I've looked at the chart again. I'm going to experiment tomorrow and give a couple of my plants nutrients and see if they start improving. Does anyone know if "sensi cal and Mg mix" has zinc in it? I don't see it listed. Is their zinc in roots...
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    Jarvild, if you are talking about the county water website, yes it does say the water has chlorine in it. I'm getting either nutrient burn from my medium, or nutrient lockout from using tap water (I tested the ph with a color test and it looked like high 7's or low 8's). Either way I'm going to...
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    Hotrodharley, I guess you are right in the sense that "they" are accurate, but could you yourself look at a ph color test and tell me what the ph is exactly? I agree that meters are unreliable at times, I just wish they had a number scale instead of a color scale.
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    All but one are still growing. I transplanted two to get more perlite in the soil but I don't think one made it. One is stunted and was already the runt of the litter so it wasn't that big of a deal. The whole process was pretty horrifying so I decided to have them as an experimental group and...
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    Thats a good idea but I'm vegging 24/0. The reason being I am very busy and would not be able to have a consistent lighting schedule. Also I'm using LED's and I'm wondering if they can burn plants that have been misted. I know LED's can bleach leafs but they create virtually no heat.
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    Thanks for all of the feedback guys, but it seems like some of you are missing some information. All of this started before I gave the plants any nutrients! Unless the plants started getting nutrient burn three weeks into growing I don't think it would do that. It seems like if the medium was...
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    Need help diagnosing plants

    Hello, I'm having the same problem with all of my plants. The tips are turning yellow, and then it spreads to the edges, and eventually to the middle. It started from the bottom up and it keeps coming up on all of my new foliage. I have six auto-flowers all in pro-mix ultimate organic. I know...