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  1. P

    Pruning Bottom Leaves

    My plants are in there 3rd week of flowering, should i prune some of the bottom leaves that appear not to be producing flowers so just wasting energy that go to the flowers. Or do they act as so called "energy banks". Here are pics of the bottom of the plants: For reference heres the size of...
  2. P

    Male OR Female?

    I looked at my plants today and I completely missed these lovely ladies parts!! Delighted, thanks for the replies and gd luck in your grows!
  3. P

    Mushroom looking thing in pot, root??

    Thanks to both figong and prosperian for the informative replies!
  4. P

    Mushroom looking thing in pot, root??

    They've been in the pots for almost 5 weeks, the pots are 7 litres. I trasplanted them from a 2l bottle in like the 2nd week of growth. The leaf matter has been there for a day so i doubt it is because of that. Should i pick these things if there funghi or could it be some of the root system...
  5. P

    Mushroom looking thing in pot, root??

    Hi guys, I looked at my plants there and was surprised to see in one of them 2 mushroom looking things it is white with like a round head on top (pictured although not clear). There are some roots on the surfuace so maybe it is a root? Here are the pics: My other plant is showing more roots...
  6. P

    Male OR Female?

    Yea it has been on 12/12 for over two weeks. There are no brutally obvious preflowers so I guess I'll just have to wait to be certain! Thanks a million for the response.
  7. P

    Male OR Female?

    Yeah that is really what looks like the most developed sign of sex on the plant but the pic is a bit fuzzy and there are what look like the beginning of hairs. Here are some better pics. Does the female preflower come out like that without pistils before growing the pistils or is it definitley...
  8. P

    Male OR Female?

    My plant has been vegging for a month and has gone into flowering stage for the last week. I am uncertain weather what I am looking at are new sets of leaves or pre flowers. Also there are no signs of male sac but I am just uncertain about not seeing white hairs clearly. The strain is northern...
  9. P

    First Grow Any Tips/Advice, Nute burn or Light Burn

    So im growing two plants indoors in a wardrobe. One is Northern Lights strain, the other is THC bomb. They have been sprouted a month now and I am considering changing into the flowering stage. The light are on 24hrs during the veg stage. Both plants are starting to show signs of sex. I am using...