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  1. F

    Officials Fear Violence Growing With Marijuana Farming

    If they would just wise up and legalize this shit, we wouldn't have people getting murdered over it! Fuck's sake it's only a plant, why not regulate and use it for the economy??
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    Am I the only person who smokes and listens to classical music?

    No problem! He's my favorite composer by far. You should also listen to A Boy and A Girl, it's another good one.
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    Am I the only person who smokes and listens to classical music?

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of other genres, (funk, jazz, prog rock, etc...) but classical has always been the best thing to smoke to for me. If anybody wants to give it a shot, listen to 'Sleep' by Eric Whitacre. It's a cappella choral music, but has some huge, slightly dissonant chords...
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    Need New Artists

    It's kinda hard to find, but Scapegoat Wax is some amazing shit! Look up the song 'Freeway.'
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    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Eric Whitacre (Choral), or Scapegoat Wax (particularly the song 'Freeway')
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    Male or Hermy??? Help please!

    Haha, very true! Thanks for the help guys, I think I'll just start fresh, I only have one nug growing and it seems almost pointless...
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    marijuana strains that makes you lough

    I've heard from several people that Caramelicious is the 'happiest' weed. Anybody know if this is true?
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    Marijuana Legalization if Obama Is President??

    In November, 2008, Michigan will be voting on a medical marijuana bill. I really doubt whether we'll see marijuana legalized within the next 20-30 years, but the best we can do is vote for medicinal use. I live in Michigan, and I also use pot to keep me stable; it's the only thing that really...
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    Wow, is the aggression really necessary?
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    Male or Hermy??? Help please!

    Argg I suppose you're right... It is a sad day for my furnace lol Maybe I'll stick it out a week just to see what happens though...
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    Male or Hermy??? Help please!

    It's the only one. Isn't that going to cut my yield to a point where it's not really worth it though? I'd say only about 10% of the plant is showing signs of female development...
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    Male or Hermy??? Help please!

    Thank you! So whats your advice, kill it?
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    Male or Hermy??? Help please!

    Most of the plant looks like a male, but the main cola has the tell-tale white pistils shooting off of it. My instinct says this is a male, but I'd like a second, third, or fourth opinion! To be honest I'd almost rather just start over, but if theres any way to get some yield I'll keep this...
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    Ah, well we wouldn't want that now, would we? I'll stick to changing the lights.... damn I wish they were compatible with a timer...
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    So for auto-flowering strains no light change is necessary?
  16. F

    Quick question about light cycles...

    That is actually really interesting; the fact that we've created a much more efficient process than nature can offer. I can feel the beginnings of a stoner rant coming on, haha
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    Actually that would be really interesting to try! Have you done that or heard of it actually working?
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    Yes, because nature provides a perfect 12/12 light schedule? lol
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    Quick question about light cycles...

    Well now that it's on 10/14 should I just leave it?