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  1. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Well, it's been a week now and I'm only seeing new growth on one plant (last one pictured). I also got my sky high utility bill today so I think I'm ready to unplug the light for awhile. I ordered some seeds from the 'tude that should be here within a week that are going to be in soil. I also...
  2. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Update. Here's all 11 of them after a few days in their new room. I'm worried because though they're sprouting (except for 2 of them who look like they're on their death bed) the new leaves seem to have dark tips & I don't know what else I can do. Temps are between 71-75 lights on & 60-65...
  3. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    I already have. As I posted earlier I've moved the room so the conditions are much better.
  4. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    so is 4x a day too much?
  5. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    It's my first grow so I'm going by what I've read & the recommendations I've been told from others who grow. Do you have another suggestion?
  6. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Noted. I'll keep an eye on it. Right now the pH goes from 5.8 to 6.2 with each feeding (4x a day) and so I add a couple shots of pH down between each. Edit: also, I've only added about an ounce of it into the 30 gal res.
  7. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    An update. I have a large laundry room with a concrete floor that I've moved the entire op into. It's about 10 degrees cooler & the airflow is much better. Now the room temp is 73 with the hygrometer sitting on the top of one of my buckets. It was always 81-82 in that same spot in the other room...
  8. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Thanks for the responses. You're correct as my first response is to panic as I have been for the past two days. I added as much water to the res as I could to get the ppm down. It's full now with the ppm down to 550. I also raised the light reflector a little bit so it's just above 5 feet. I...
  9. M

    First timer needing help (ebb & flow)

    Hey all, Been a lurker for quite some time & love all the advice. I've started my first grow about 4 days ago & am having some problems stemming from the transplant & the day that followed. These were transplanted from soil to hydroton buckets (I know you're not supposed to change mediums but...