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  1. mrjaeyun


    the seeds leaves are burnt but thats from a several days ago plus my light is 13 w. I know the roots aren't developing because the pot tipped over yesterday and i checked the roots. The skinny part didn't grow yet.
  2. mrjaeyun


    my plants roots are not developing. My plant is growing properly though Its about a week old. Anybody know why?
  3. mrjaeyun

    will my sour diesel grow in a window

    yea. put it on the floor by the window on the 2nd story(if you have one) and open the window so the sun gets brighter.
  4. mrjaeyun

    time to switch to 12-12?

    how is that 13 days old. It looks like they are at least a month older
  5. mrjaeyun


    Does breathing on the plant help? I know its not very practical but it gets some co2
  6. mrjaeyun

    Root Grow Boosts

    good looks
  7. mrjaeyun

    Root Grow Boosts

    Is there a product that helps roots grow quickly and is it safe for recently sprouted plants
  8. mrjaeyun

    Does using less water make plants develop better roots?

    Not completely dry
  9. mrjaeyun

    Root of my seedlin

    The part where the root starts grow the skinny part rip off. Does that grow back??
  10. mrjaeyun

    root rot?

    make a hole at the bottom
  11. mrjaeyun

    Sunlight for the Seedlings

    oh shitttttt fuckkk i gave it alot a water tho
  12. mrjaeyun

    Sunlight for the Seedlings

    Is the sun too strong for the plant when the seed leaves just begin to open up? Its around 90 degrees around here.
  13. mrjaeyun

    Curled Root

    If the roots curled do you have to straighten before you plant it?
  14. mrjaeyun

    one of my seed's roots

    papertowel and its more than a mm but i can't tell cus its curlin
  15. mrjaeyun

    one of my seed's roots

    is turnin purple at part right next to seed. I want to plant it but i don't think the root is long enough.
  16. mrjaeyun

    My New Setup,, yummy

    new?? it says 2002 lol
  17. mrjaeyun


    its different in every state
  18. mrjaeyun

    One of my Plant's Roots are not developing

    i got some pics the first one is the undeveloping one 2nd one is the healthy one
  19. mrjaeyun

    One of my Plant's Roots are not developing

    its 5-6 days old and its not making much progress. The root has been the same length for a 2-3 days now and the leaves are just barely starting to come out. I have another plant thats healthy but i need to save this one