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  1. Beeve

    Little brown spots on Afghan Kush leaves

    Hey dude, not sure why no replies, but definitely NO fertilizers while your seedlings are still establishing themselves. Dilute your fertilizers way down if you have to. But generally you should be able to go a few weeks without any nutrients. Fertilizers and nutrients are given after a few...
  2. Beeve

    Rooting issues- cloning northern lights

    Ahh, ok. I'll be a bit more patient. I chose this "mom" by her aggressive growth, and the cutting reaffirmed that by rooting in 5 days. So I kinda expected the same results with her clones. I'll supplement some very weak nutes till she sprouts some roots! Thanks guys- as always, a wiki of...
  3. Beeve

    Rooting issues- cloning northern lights

    Hey there - been cloning for a while, so I'm scratching my head in this one. I bought some NL seeds, grew them, took a cutting to make a mother, grew it compact and small, and then took about 10 clones about 10 days ago. I still haven't seen a root sprout out the sides of my jiffy cubes. The...
  4. Beeve

    Branch bent down from weight. Suggestions to fix?

    On your next grow, you can use a little Potassium Silicate AKA- rhino skin to deliver the silicate to help stiffen the branches along with the use of your fans. It's natural- silica is found in soil, so the plant up takes what it needs to grow stronger cell structure!:)
  5. Beeve

    What's the EC of your tap water??

    Wow, that's low. :-))
  6. Beeve

    What's the EC of your tap water??

    Well, instead of spending more cash on hard water nutes, it's just easier to pH down with my phosphoric acid. But at least I should be getting some cal-mag TDS in the tap water. I Also may look at RO water makers. In Southern Ont, there is lots of Limestone everywhere, and it finds it's way to...
  7. Beeve

    What's the EC of your tap water??

    Hey there folks, I'm just getting an idea of what people are seeing in their tap water. As of now, I think my soul pH is a little high causing a nute lockout. I've always notice that if I check tap water, it registers 0.4EC. Is that kid of high? My pH is around the 7.5-8.0 mark- ergo my plants...
  8. Beeve

    Pictures to help with my sick girl...

    Thanks 70's NB. I just checked my tap water- its ph 8. So I'm thinking maybe a bit of a nute lock-up is happening. Because it looks like I have N and Mg deficiencies.. Weird eh..? So I've just watered with pH 5.5 in hopes to lower that pH and inhibit nute uptake. Cross my fingers...
  9. Beeve

    Pictures to help with my sick girl...

    Ok- from what I gathered, purple stems indicate mostly a pH problem. It's odd, because I use tap water, my soil is peat, perlite, worm castings, blood and bone meal, and just recently a new top dress of the same soil with a bit of horticultural lime. But that lime was just added a 2 days ago...
  10. Beeve

    Pictures to help with my sick girl...

    Hey there- here are a couple of pics of this one that has it the worst. It's a pale green to yellow mottling, purple stems. I don't have a proper pH meter, but I suspect a Mg lockout due to higher pH values. I've been feeding just water, with a pH down solution, but its educated guessing from my...
  11. Beeve

    autoflower magnesium deficiency?

    Mg=magnesium Mn=manganese ;-)
  12. Beeve

    Deficiency or overdose? Wish I could post a pic

    ...another possibility, could be soil pH? I have one of those soul pH probes, but it almost always shows 7.0...
  13. Beeve

    Deficiency or overdose? Wish I could post a pic

    Hey there- wish I could upload via my mobile phone, but I can't right now. Perhaps it's futile to ask without a picture, but maybe I'll try anyways. Leaves look healthy except for the fact they are loosing chorophyl. By that I mean, little pale blotches developing, but the color transition is...
  14. Beeve

    EDM, House, & Dubstep

    Dude- you gotta listen to some Royksopp! There ate plenty of remixes as well, but that Swedish electro thing gets the job done!!
  15. Beeve

    How to Dry your Bud out Faster?

    What about using a piece of screening layer over a good thick layer of rice.? That should work for small sample nugs...
  16. Beeve

    Genetics: what to look for in a plant

    Hi there- when we look for growth pattern for example, the obvious trait is rapid vertical growth. Are there plants that have rapid lateral growth too, or does that only come to play once you top the cola. I've tried to keep lights close to the top of the plants, in hopes to slow down vertical...
  17. Beeve

    Genetics: what to look for in a plant

    Thanks-happy 420 to you too!;-) I hope this thread continues on too. So far we've identified some real variables that peeps look for in a good Strain. I'd like to break it down some more and look for specific identifiable characteristics .
  18. Beeve

    Repotting during 2-3 weeks into flowering?

    Thanks UB, for the explanations. It's good to understand how and when the plant turns on and shuts off their varios systems. I won't do anything to damage the roots, I'll just let her run her course and chalk this mistake up to experience. I could yes, if I see that I really get into a bind...
  19. Beeve

    Killing the gnats with hydrogen peroxide

    You can use H2O2, but beware, you will also kill your michorrizae herd living in your soil. But it's not the end of the world, you can always add more to later watering cycles and bring back the fungi.
  20. Beeve

    Brown Wilting and a little crispy...

    When I use Potassium Silicate- I dilute 1/4ml to 1 liter of water. And I don't do that every watering. I do that every third watering. The Potassium Silicate will strengthen your stems and branches- kind of what Rhino skin does.