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  1. hairchick40v

    Has anyone ever used???

    Has anyone ever used the Premium 7 day detox???? My husband needs to clean up as quick as possible. His home based business is failing and he needs a real JOB... Last time we tried to clean him up it took almost 90 days, and we don't have that kinda time.... I don't understand it, I am heavy...
  2. hairchick40v

    ??not tryin to sound stupid???

    Thank you Stunned!!! I appreciate the info. I don't have a big grow, just enough for me and the hubby!!
  3. hairchick40v

    ??not tryin to sound stupid???

    what is that and what does it do???
  4. hairchick40v

    ??not tryin to sound stupid???

    Hey i was just readin another thread talkin about co2... What is that for and how are some ways to facilitate it with a paintball cartridge??? :blsmoke: How is the best way to get people to respond to these threads????? I have posted several, and frankly I am not feelin the love from my fellow...
  5. hairchick40v


    I actually planted them on Oct. 7th...
  6. hairchick40v


    Ok, so I germed them in pellets, it took a couple of days then when they got their little leaves I put them in some solo cups and put them under the light 18/6 and transplanted when they out grew the cups... I don't know what the strain is, I bought 10 NL and they sent me the 20 free... So, I...
  7. hairchick40v


    I germed some seeds I ordered from holland on Oct1. I have had them under some lights I got from Stealth hydro... I have been using the veg lights only. I would like to sex my plants and then clone and bud from there. I have had the lights on a 18/6 schedule the whole time. It has been 6...
  8. hairchick40v

    joe the plumber

    I think it was Mccain lame attempt to seem like he understood... I don't know about where all ya'll live, but we make around 60,000 a year (on a good year) and we are struggling!!! Since when in a small town was 60,000 not enough to live on. We didn't even get in a house that we couldn't...
  9. hairchick40v

    I'm voting for McCain....

    OH, and let's not forget Mccain is what, 112... He does not have to die for the Evangelical Dominatrix to be our Prez!!! He just has to be unable, one stroke, one heartattack, on broken hip!!! She' becomes the Prez... Now that's just scary!!!!:peace:
  10. hairchick40v

    I'm voting for McCain....

    George Bush is a bully!!! That is why we are hated in alot of countries... America for what ever reason has been adhereing to the attitude that "We can, but you can't" We are supposed to be telling our children that fighting doesn't solve anything, and then they watch as America invades...
  11. hairchick40v

    How long are seeds good for?

    IDK officially, but I grew some seeds last time that could have been that old or older. I have been a head for 20 yrs... I have always saved the seeds out of any weed I smoke, I have never had a prob getting them to germ... Now, I just grew successfully this spring:weed:, but that has had...
  12. hairchick40v

    Fertilizer help???

    No, my camera is F'ed up right now!!! The really nice looking ones have 2 set of leaves already!! I got the seeds from holland, they were free with my NL purchase. I am waitin to germ those until I get my bigger lights. Any suggestions using chicken shit??? I know it is loaded with...
  13. hairchick40v

    Fertilizer help???

    Ok, so I started germin my seeds on Oct 1.. They sprouted, and by the 7th they came off the windowsill and moved to their home in the closet. I have them in clear plastic solo cups... It is the 14th adn I have a couple of sets of leaves already on some of them... My question is when should I...
  14. hairchick40v

    first indoor grow

    Thanks ya'll!!! Yeah with the curly lights I haven't need a fan or vents, down here we are still runnin our air and the closet is vented... I am thinkin a bathroon exhaust fan through the attic??? bongsmilie
  15. hairchick40v

    first indoor grow

    i am startin my first all indoor grow. I bought some dual spectrum curly lights from stealth hyrdo, but I am interested in high pressure sodium.. I can get 250w from the home depot. Is that enough wattage.. how many would I need for a 4x12 closet??? thinkin 2 chamber one grow one bud...
  16. hairchick40v

    Confused please HELP???

    I have just harvested my first grow... I wouldn't say sucessfully, because my chickens ate half my plant up, but I still got about 2 ounces off 3 females... My confusion comes in... Should I grow my next batch (which I have now made a closet, so no chickens) in dirt or should I go to the expense...
  17. hairchick40v

    first grow!!!

    I just harvested from my very first grow. I ended up with 3 females, started outside, but my chickens love weed too... So I brought her indoors into the closet and even with the chicken damage got almost 2 ounces... I realize for you pros that is nothin, but for me it is 2 months of free...
  18. hairchick40v


    I grow alot of herbs, this particular one is my newest undertaking. Can you keep the same plant and just get what you need off of it when you need it??? That is how I use the other cooking herbs that I grow. I have 3 females, I just brought them in form outside into the closet. My chickens...