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  1. scruffonline

    SCROG...any input? Experience and advice needed.

    That is an interesting way to maintain an even canopy. in terms of final harvest is there a difference in dry weight as opposed to bending or topping? If so i might even experiment with my boring vertical hydro setup!
  2. scruffonline

    first garden

    Due to the size that the plants were becoming i had to plant some outside and left 2 inside to view the difference in growth rates between the natural sunflowers and the hydroponic ones. Here are pictures of the indoor plants.
  3. scruffonline

    first garden

    I switched lights due to the MH bulb i had blowing, all i had left was a 600 watt HPS. Growing under the HPS ever since i have noticed no change in the growth rate or anything else for that matter, the enclosure does seem to remain at a higher temp however (28C instead of the 25C average under...
  4. scruffonline

    first garden

    Hey there, the garden looks great, currently starting my first garden also, alot smaller scale however and indoors. I've got tomatoes, sunflowers and chillies all planted so far, more varieties on the way soon depending how i go with these. It's icy cold winter here in australia at the moment so...
  5. scruffonline

    Sunflowers Indoors

    I Was using a 400w MH setup until a few days ago when the bulb blew and so i just used my 600w HPS instead, although i have noticed no difference in the growth rate between the two bulbs, apart from the redish glow that now comes from the tent. Temperature seemed easier to control with the MH...
  6. scruffonline

    Sunflowers Indoors

    Hi All, i am currently growing sunflowers in a grow tent which i constructed myself using reflective two tone (White Inside, Black Outside) PVC Sheeting. They are currently 71/2" tall and are in pots which measure 7" X 8". My Soil mixture is 75% Potting Mix (Organic/Fertiliser Free), 15% Perlite...
  7. scruffonline

    Hi All from Australia

    It can be growing season all year round with a grow tent!:mrgreen:
  8. scruffonline

    Hi All from Australia

    Hey guys im from Melbourne Victoria, the coldest city in aus! just finished building my first grow tent, hoping to grow 4-6 plants. I would'nt even have know where to start if it wasn't for this site! thanks to all the experienced growers for all the awesome advice and support for the newbies...