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  1. 1

    Hawaii Growers

    Mahalo... Yes I am in Hawaii and the genetics are unknown. I am practicing with these, so when I buy good seeds, much of the learning curve is behind me....and might even get luck and the ganja God's will smile down upon me.
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    Hawaii Growers

    I am forced to put these 2 outside...if they are females...and they stay healthy, can they produce? Is it too early --- march 30th
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    lots of first's...

    They are outside.... enjoying their first real sunlight... And hoping to see 2 females maturing :lol:
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    lots of first's...

    This a week later.... Added some Calcium and magnesium to the watering. I went 3 days between watering this time. I know I was over watering.
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    lots of first's...

    These are my 2 oldest... still vegging under the T5, but they just started showing some signs of "Un healthy". Starting to turn a lighter green. I am guessing I am over watering. Even tho at first I thought it was nutrients. Any thoughts?
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    lots of first's...

    What I am going to do with these. I don't have any more room under my lights, so these may start as outdoor plants. May donate to a friend who would like to try some hydroponics
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    lots of first's...

    A T5 with 8 - 4ft 54 watt bulbs. But I started with one of those curly-que household florescent bulbs
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    lots of first's...

    These are 28 days old...from seed going into soil. 9 days growth from previous post
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    lots of first's...

    Here are a few pics of my first 2 plants. They sprouted very fast, 3 days. I am using outdoor soil, with lots of rabbit manure. The pics were taken 11 days apart. I am on a budget, but have a couple of cheap lights. I water with fish tank water and rabbit manure tea. 6 to 1. I planted 10 more...