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  1. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    Hi my contaior is all ready for growing split the rooms into 2 10ft by 8ft rooms one for veg and one for flowering. Wondering how many lights i will need and fans etc so please help asap. Thinking 600 watts for the flowering room and also wondering what lights too use in the veg room thinking...
  2. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    Hi What lights would you say also the containor is 20 ft by 8 ft not 30ft sorry would you say 600w or 1000w ?
  3. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    Hi thank u As i said too you i am completely new too growing and need some advie. We are going to split the containor into rooms but how many would you say ? also some other questions i need answering Ecosystem growing system how do they work some info would be great on these too ? Chemicals...
  4. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    £3000 well could go over that but thats what I have in hand now
  5. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    Thank you Well the plan is on hold because we need to know what else 2 buy now lilke lights
  6. S

    30ft x 8ft insulated container

    Hi There We're new too growing and wondering if you could help us in what too buy we own a 30ft x 8ft insulated container. We're wondering what lights too buy and other stuff. We're starting for nothing so all tips r very helpfull for us. We have been offered a Ecosystem growing system and...