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  1. anonymous12345

    artificial moonlight?

    Smoke a bowl and chill out im saying the moon is part of natures light cycle as well. it makes the nights slowly go from pitch black to being bright enough you are able to see during different times of the year so it would be like simulating nature
  2. anonymous12345

    artificial moonlight?

    so i was walking the other night around 12 pm or so and the thought hit me after i got done smoking and looking up at the moon why doesnt anybody simulate moonlight? and i know total darkness when lights are out but outdoors plants do not experiance this becaus when the moon is out and full...
  3. anonymous12345


    waiste of time you probobly would just have shitty tasting butter that doesnt get you high
  4. anonymous12345

    help!!! plants too tall!!!!!

    yea thats a pickle lol im no expert im a beginner mysself but i would try to lean them over and tie them down like a vine but if all eles fails and you must top remember they will still grow good buds being in the first week of flower just dont wait untill the second or third week and if you...
  5. anonymous12345

    3rd week flower superbloom

    thanks for the repy so far ive just been seeing how it goes doesnt seem to got any better or worse
  6. anonymous12345

    My first grow and tips for other newbs

    made my day lol i have a wild imagination so do you got any pics of your plant at harvest?
  7. anonymous12345

    3rd week flower superbloom

    bump* still wondering what the curling leaves are about
  8. anonymous12345

    3rd week flower superbloom

    Hey guys so here is my update for my superbloom nute test if you want to find out more and see pics of the 2nd week check the link here i thought it would be better to move this to the outdoor section but anyways here it...
  9. anonymous12345

    PLEASE HELP! cant germinate seeds.

    your trying to hard i had great success by just taking a solo cup preferably black fill it with a good soil or grow medium almost to the top then soak it down with water make sure you have drain holes in the bottum or when your plant grows roots they will rot and it will die then after you...
  10. anonymous12345

    Northern California - August 13th - How much taller/bigger will these get?

    mine started showing sex late july early august but im on the other side of the country just be patient and check them every 2 days should be soon
  11. anonymous12345

    Be careful when your taking pic with your smart phones

    I dont own a smart phone or a facebook account :cool:
  12. anonymous12345

    My grow 2nd week flower advice? opinions?

    it doesnt always rain like this here im feeding tommorrow and im gunna give em alittle extra thanks for the reply
  13. anonymous12345

    My grow 2nd week flower advice? opinions?

    yea i may start giving them a gallon of water each and then a little more as time goes i dont wanna burn so i may experiment on diff plants to see what they can handle thanks for your input and yea i love my guards as well i usaully stomp on spiders when i see them but not these guys
  14. anonymous12345

    My grow 2nd week flower advice? opinions?

    Sorry for blurry pics :( I dont have a HD cam i have a pre paid flip phone cam oh yea can anybody give me a yield estimate for my biggest lady(the first pic) and no i didnt top becaus i didnt think i would have time looking back on it now i would have been topping
  15. anonymous12345

    My grow 2nd week flower advice? opinions?

    Hey RIU So here it is my 3rd grow outdoors but i consider this my 1st The first 2 wasnt much 3 to 5 plants in the field behind my house and i used no nutes or soil just some reg bagseed a small shovel and a watering can but hey they grew so here i am with BIG dreams so as a few may remember i...
  16. anonymous12345

    outdoor grow help

    i would love to have a cola that size but id rather have a bush instead of a tree and thanks for the fert info itll be awhile before i reply back guys wont be around the comp but ill be back and ill update everybody on how things are going thanks growone buds and diggin dirt
  17. anonymous12345

    outdoor grow help

    thanks buds definitely going solo other then what help ill get here so what about topping how big do you guys let your plants get before you start topping them i can start topping them right after the second set of leaves come out right? or is this alittle early? i want my plants to grow in...
  18. anonymous12345

    outdoor grow help

    eh i need a good work out anyways lol so i have a good question on something im REALLy not sure about if i start my plants inside under artificial light its nothing special just a flood light but its not on a timer just gets cut off and on 1 time a day when i wake up on go to bed off so will the...
  19. anonymous12345

    outdoor grow help

    i am alittle worried about the risk but i believe the place i have picked will be the best for this its not my land its on the southside of a mountain i over calculated the size abit its bout 30by30 yards and its just an opening in the forest the people who own the land are older rich folks and...
  20. anonymous12345

    outdoor grow help

    viper and barn fuck you and go the fuck on an stop hating im not effecting your life and i didnt ask for your derogatory comments if you want to help then help if not then pls leave my post alone assholes the reflectors was a joke i know in reality that wouldnt work thats why it was a cheech and...