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  1. ihaveathumb

    Dual Angled Lights?

    This might be a stupid idea, so I'm asking first... Instead of having one 1000w light over the top of the plants, couldn't I have two 600w lights each at a 45°? Something kind of like this: My thinking is the plants will get more light thanks to more watts and better canopy penetration due...
  2. ihaveathumb

    do u like it?

    Your grow room is 80mx90mx2m?!? That is freaking huge!!
  3. ihaveathumb

    Designing my medical grow room, and I have some questions.

    Hey guys, I have decided that I am done with the whole caregiver thing and I am going to grow myself. Luckily, I have a decent amount of room in my basement to grow in (12’4.5"x10’x8' Flower Room – 6’x11’x8’ Veg Room). I have some questions though that I...
  4. ihaveathumb

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone. I am a long time lurker, first time poster. I just got my license and am planning to start growing. My first grow will be small for a test run, and if it turns out well, I may expand. I have lots of questions, so that means lots of reading! If anyone has any good threads...