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  1. Jou

    DIG IT!! TOOL Is The Best Band On The Planet

    Even though GT dislikes me in chat, I must agree with him. Tool is pretty damned good but Metallica takes the cake.:hump:
  2. Jou

    Much props,had doubts at first !!!

    Lol cmon guys... I think he means Dr Chronic :evil: and Nirvana Just a guess tho :hump:
  3. Jou

    my wife fucked me over real bad! if it werent for my kids id be in the hospital!

    Assassins werent invented for nothing...
  4. Jou

    Spit or Swallow ;)

    Lol yah this one might get some racket :roll: I tend to spit when its joints/blunts bout it tho...
  5. Jou

    taxed by the mile?

    Med Man your annoying in 95% of all your posts... And half of this doesnt even have to do with taxing by the mile...
  6. Jou

    An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...

    Toms a persistent little fellow =P Yah man, yours is looking great and nice experiment... Wanted to that myself, now I dont have to :eyesmoke: Jou
  7. Jou

    New style lowryder. Experiment w/pics

    Lol thats tight man, Looking forward to the grow :blsmoke:
  8. Jou

    obamas traped now

    Lol funny as shit even though fucked up =P
  9. Jou

    Over watering too early with aeroponic system

    No, all you need to do is find an hour timer and set your pump up to that, find a schedule you would like to run your pumps at ie. 30s every 3 mins All your doing is overwatering like you said, just cut down the watering a bit and you should be good bro! :joint::hump:
  10. Jou


    I dont know anything about it but I would think its not worth the risk until you know whether or not it will turn into cyanide and whether or not itll be harmful to you... Hit the library maybe? Sometimes info there thats not here on the damned net :neutral:
  11. Jou

    Terminator seeds, monsanto, and Your rights as a consumer!

    I got your back Miss! I will start preparing the molotovs and plastic explosives!! :fire: You gather seeds ;-) Time to feel the wrath of Death you rich fuckers!
  12. Jou

    International Oddities

    From what ive heard it is just a bunch of random herbs that they throw together to get their "creations" Just spend the money on a cfl and toss a seed in the ground =P
  13. Jou

    Mycogarden for Mushrooms

    I also would like to know more about these bags people have been mentioning. My friend gave me a mycodome or w/e it is when he moved out and I have yet to try and grow any type of shrooms... Perhaps someone can enlighten me on how to grow shiitake, moral or any of those commonly used...
  14. Jou

    Lets all pick a day!

    Lol, what im wondering is why the hell hundreds of us dont buy assault rifles (easily achieved) and fight back. Why do we let them push us around? I mean look at this shit... In Arizona I cant buy a hand gun but I can buy an AK47... Isnt it easier to kill with an Ak47 than a handgun? America...
  15. Jou

    Bud Production

    Okay ty very much. I wasnt sure if that was the case or if I just had done something to limit their growth... Thanks again +rep 4 u :weed::hump: Jou
  16. Jou

    Bud Production

    Please, anyone able to enlighten my mind on this situation? Thanks, Jou
  17. Jou

    Bud Production

    Well its not about selling it. I am pollinating for a seed stash. I was wondering if my next grow (un-pollinated) would yield more or less than this grow which all females have been pollinated. And thanks for the reply Hect, nice little bit of info I didnt know there... Still looking for an...
  18. Jou

    Bud Production

    Nobody has any information on this? I was hoping to find out BEFORE my next grow :-P Jou
  19. Jou

    Bud Production

    Hey all, I have a simple question I could not easily search for and was hoping to get a decent answer from you guys. When the plant is in the flowering stage, if you pollinate it, rather than not pollinating, would it produce less bud, less growth, or less THC? Or all of the above? For...
  20. Jou

    Why can't I get an ANSWER!!>>???

    Waste of thread space :bigjoint: