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  1. L

    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    Miracle grow is for plants that are not to be consumed. They have their place for pretty flowers, not for cannabis. 30-10-10? what strain requires that much nutrients? The problem with PBP is that is isn't entirely organic. That might be why the PPMs are shooting up. Pureblend Original is...
  2. L

    Another newbie's first grow

    That's not bad for a first time, serious. Second the rec on the HPS. The only thing that I cringe at is the use or miracle grow? Why when there are so many organic soil and soiless mixes that are full of mychorrhizae and humates, buffering the soils pH and allowing for the maximum amount of...
  3. L

    first grow

    that's an awful lot of 'learning on the job' for a first grow. I would keep it as simple as possible. Then you can actually observe changes without wondering if the LEDs are close enough or if the 14 total lights are at their most efficient heights. Personally, I'd try to sell most of the...