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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    I'm thinking of lightly feeding one of the two and see what happens. If the problem continues I'll flush. But there seems to be a lot of yellowing on the lower leaves, and not enough signs of toxicity to flush. Any ideas?
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    Hey everyone! ( from the Auburn foothills in California)

    Hey there, I'm growing some Purple Kush, Trainwreck, and Mazar. I'm new to growing, so I'm trying to find a strain that works for me in my climate.
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    Plant is sad! what can be the problem?? pics

    I had a Trainwreck that was doing that last week in the 100 degree heat. I put it in the partial shade for 2 days, then gradually gave it more and more sunlight everyday. That was 5 days ago. Today it was in the direct sunlight from 9 am until 6pm, no drooping at all. It was cooler today, about...
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    Plant is sad! what can be the problem?? pics

    It actually looks like it needs water. Do you have a moisture meter? Sometimes there are large dry pockets in the soil, a moisture meter helps find out where you're at. To me it looks like a plant that needs water, but that's just my 2 cents....
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    Nobody else has any advice whether to flush or feed? I'm surprised....
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    Hey everyone! ( from the Auburn foothills in California)

    I just wanted to say hello to everyone on the board. I'm fairly new here. I've been a member for a while, since my 1st grow. This is my 3rd this year. Everyone seems really helpful and cool here, glad to be a part of it. I can use all the help I can get. :) I'm from Auburn, Ca. Any others from...
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    how much lemon juice/water ratio to acidify ph please hurry!

    Your best bet is to use a commercially made product specifically for lowering Ph. I've heard home remedies can work in a pinch, but can cause other issues. A liter of Ph down is only around $10 and lasts a long time. Oh, and I wouldn't bring it all the way down to 5 either. Everyone tells you...
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    I read in Jorge Cervantes book about water and ppm. He mentioned if your water has a low ppm count to use a CaMg solution to bring the ppm to around 150. Is this mainly for hydroponic applications, or does that go for soil growers too? I suppose without a digital ppm meter, I should just use...
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    My water is under 30 ppm. What could cause a lockup in that case? Thanks : ) Should I be using a CaMg solution to raise the ppm?
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    It hasn't been fed really much at all since the last flush. Do you really think it has accumulated that much toxic salt buildup with just feeding it water mostly? Nobody thinks it needs a feeding instead of a flush? The guy at the local shop said it needs lots of ferts??? Not the answer huh...
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    Put 60 gallons through it? That seems excessive. That's a ton of water.
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    over growing

    Bend the tip of the plant down, and tie it down. Not only will it save you vertical space, but it will put more growth hormones (auxins) that are usually most present in the very top of the plant into the lower brances, actually increasing your yield. It's a good thing. Your plant may be too far...
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    Anyone have any ideas? Please?????
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    Newbie Leaf Issues - Yellow/brown spots, White residue, & Dark Green Vein

    It's common to see issues with the old growth on clones. It looks good to me. You may have some salt residue in your system, hard to tell from the photos. The leaves on clones are almost always clipped like that to prevent the plant from transpiring too much water when the roots are not...
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    Male flowers coming in....during week 7 flower??? What is this?

    You're so far into flowering and it seems to just be an isolated male flower. Put a plastic bag over it to protect the pollen from getting on your female, and yank it off. You'd be surpirised how much one little pollen sack can pollenate. I wouldn't stress over it though, you may have a few...
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    Yes, it is very alkaline. I have been using a nitric acid based Ph down solution by Tecnoflora to bring it down to just below 7 when I water.
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    Leaf readers - I need your help!!! pics

    Hello, This is my 3rd grow. I'm growing a few different strains, but this particular one I'm posting about is a Purple Kush clone (an Oaksterdam clone) Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil Outdoor grow 15 gallon container Perlite mixed in for drainage Tap water is used for watering, extemely alkaline, so...
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    New grower needs help!! Nutrient Burn or heat stress?

    The heat is causing the taco effect? Is it only happening on that plant due to it being a different strain? The sativa dominants seem to do this more than the indicas. I water first thing in the morning, at about 7am. I sometimes mist them in the evening with a mister. But never misted in the...
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    New grower needs help!! Nutrient Burn or heat stress?

    They had this problem in the first few weeks. When it eases up, I transplant into fresh soil with new nutes available. They have been transplanted within the month so that should have another 30 days after transplanting of nutes. It seems like they burn just about two weeks after the transplant...
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    New grower needs help!! Nutrient Burn or heat stress?

    Thank you. Give her B-1? Is this something I can get at the nursury? Straight B-1 or is there a fert that has it in it that you would recommend? Also, should I flush the girls that are doing well now to prevent this? Is flushing just something I should do every few weeks regardless of over-fert...