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  1. acidserum

    buy or grow shrooms?

    same here , where i live its impossible to get , the whole shroom setup can run you less than 50 dollars , if you already have the supplies , then all you have to pay is 10 dollars to order the spores , and youll make hundreds from that 10 dollars
  2. acidserum

    spore site

    shroomery is the shit too for info
  3. acidserum

    How to make DMT

    those chemicals are sold only to those with the licence for it , what makes you think you can get all of them ?
  4. acidserum

    spore site

    they look like a scam , the website looks fake , i don't know about this hawks eye , dont risk it just go with the original sporestore - 100% Clean & Viable Spores for Mycological Research > Edible/Medicinal/Novelty
  5. acidserum

    Just saw "Wanted"

    yea , that too is a very nice ass
  6. acidserum

    Just saw "Wanted"

    Wanted was 5 out of 5 Angelinas ass is beautiful , but exellent movie definetly the best one this year action thru the whole movie cant wait for the dark night
  7. acidserum

    2012 Doomsday

    :mrgreen:o fuck yeah im with you 100 percent on that breathesmoke
  8. acidserum

    Belladonna Anyone ?

    no no no no no we are not talking about weed its a plant named atropa belladonna and its called deadly nightshade which is poison that makes you trip hard
  9. acidserum

    2012 Doomsday

    I think that alot of people say 2012 is not the end of it all because they are simply scared and don't want to admit that whats happening in our society is real but denying is not gonna change anything in even the smallest way So Light One Up , Take A Tab or A Drop , Have A Pop , Drink Two Or...
  10. acidserum

    2012 Doomsday

    Well , it seems everyone has been giving this topic lots of feedback and replies and has got alot of people thinking so I too am going to give my personal opinion ..... ok so in my opinion , i think that 2012 won't be the end of the world because the end or apocalypse is something that is...
  11. acidserum

    just received my seeds!!!!!!

    i wanna see that ice but more than anything is that VIOLATOR KUSH MAN so dont forget to post some pics
  12. acidserum

    Temperature Problem

    damn i feel your pain , but the only thing that helped me with heat and humidity , was my a.c.
  13. acidserum

    Astral Projection

    YouTube - Astral Projection-People can fly Sick ass Trance For those LSD tripps:hump:
  14. acidserum

    Do you get high MORE or LESS in the summertime?

    ha i remember in the winter when it was cold outside (so cold you actually couldn't stay outside any longer than 10 minutes cause you would freeze ) i used to smoke outside of school and not feel shit even after two blunts and my eyes used to be white as fuck , as soon as i went inside the...
  15. acidserum

    Do you get high MORE or LESS in the summertime?

    i smoke equally all year long , but im a midnight toker , because inadequate conditions fuck up your high and you dont feel it as much , conditions like the sun beeming in your face , feeling sticky , sweaty , hot , and dehydrated , it sucks ass beeing high like this , well at least for me it does
  16. acidserum

    Belladonna Anyone ?

    go ahead if u get it , just remember to control yourself with it, nightshade is a poison and any slight unmeasured dose will kill you , but the right dose and you get a trip out of this world and unreal , tell me all about it if you do it:-|
  17. acidserum

    Belladonna Anyone ?

    has anyone ever consumed belladonna in any way , if yes how is the trip ?
  18. acidserum

    Germany vs Turkey

    holler back Germans advance to Euro 08 final with win over turks 3-2:hump:
  19. acidserum


    i have no idea , but i know that hemp-depot does
  20. acidserum

    Ice strand, first growth, how much longer?

    how is the high u get from ice , is it a body buzz or cerebral buzz ?