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  1. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Hi everyone! Sorry again for the extreme delay between updates... things have just been really busy lately. I definitely took this into account and always kept the plants as close as possible to the lights. There are pics in the previous page where you can see I was stacking stuff under the...
  2. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. There was just not much going on for a while. Plants were just doing their early flowering stretching, I was pruning some leaves, etc. Now I am at 2 weeks of flowering and things are not looking good :( For some reason, my plants keep stretching...
  3. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Hi everyone, time for another upgrade. There's not much to tell, really... I've started 12/12 6 days ago, so the plants are stretching like craaazy. No flowers yet. Scrog training is becoming a major chore... today I spent 1 hour on it! Can't wait for the end of training and for some serious bud...
  4. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    I check the res everyday and top up with water/nutes or adjust the pH as needed. The res is completely changed once a week. It's summer now, so the temps are a bit high. Temperatures can get to 28-30 °C (82-86 °F) with the lights on. However, whenever the lights are on I usually leave one of...
  5. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Yes, that would be an option but would also mean a longer veg time. My reasoning is this: I will flower when the screen is sufficiently filled. The larger plants will end up dominating most of the space anyway, so I will let the weaker plant make its contribution to the grow. I figure its...
  6. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Screen starting to fill up... about 20-22 days of veg. The weaker plant in the middle is lagging behind and will probably fuck up my canopy distribution.
  7. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Well, my biggest inspirations for this project were these 2 topics in the icmag forums: They were growing 5-6 plants in a shared reservoir of roughly the same size as mine. And they both achieved...
  8. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. I just figured there is not much to show yet - the most interesting part is still to come :) The plants are growing like monsters. I had never grown in hydro before and I can definetely notice how much faster they grow compared to soil. Also, I'm...
  9. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Here they are, 8-12 days after sprouting. I will install a scrog screen soon, and FIM the plants to get more tops.
  10. Formaldehyde

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    Hi everyone, and welcome to my grow. Some time ago I moved to a new region, and after getting fed up with the low quality and very expensive local weed, I decided to grow my own. Also, I needed a hobby :) I have always been fascinated by these PC microgrows, and stealth is a major concern...