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  1. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I have some of the trimmed/ dried so far, they still need 2 weeks in the drier, but:
  2. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    Sorry, the picture was misleading, we only transported it to where we trimmed and put the weed in a drying box. it is simply the easiest way to not send offensive odors. It is right now all trimmed, 151 g, 51 g trimmings, with till 1/3 on the plant, and 3 weeks to go.
  3. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I took the first harvest.
  4. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I have a goodie! my artist friend got his gear up and we took a hq shot of a piece of my garden.
  5. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I am awfully sorry at the terrible state of my English abilities, as for the English language is not my mother tongue. I hope you forgive me for every foolish mistake i make. They had a three day dark period from 9-05 to 12-05, so they've been into flower for 16-19 days depending on point of...
  6. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    That is a pretty solid amount of light. 250 watts is sufficient for my use, although i would like the diversity of a larger grow. How do you get the large pictures? I have added pictures from a few hours ago, the plants have been 15-16 days into flower now. can't really remember anymore, the...
  7. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    Looks like a sweet setup, how many watts :D ? / thanks for linking to a video, i will take a picture of the progress tomorrow.
  8. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I don't really understand why anybody is angry? I came for constructive criticism and instead got a shitstorm. Buds need light to develop, i am not saying they need it to photosynthesize. I removed the few fan leafs that was blocking a major cola, i hardly removed more plant material than the...
  9. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    Peanuts? they average about 6 cm in diameter, and about 15 cm in length now? You didn't answer the question btw, how long have those been into flower?
  10. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I love the fact that you supported your claim with information, and i now know when to choose the harvesting time better. But budsites need light, and as long the plant still absorbs all possible light, there is no way it isn't photosynthesizing as much co2 and water as before. Have those ladies...
  11. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    the angle is pretty bad, i can try to get a closeup with a ruler. They average about 4-5 cm in diameter, and 10-12 cm in length. The largest are 7 cm in diameter, and 15cm in length. they have been into 12/12 for 14 days now.
  12. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    @ churchaze The first argument of any internal discussion should be credibility, if you were locked up in an asylum, you would have to consider the fact you may not be able to rely on your own logic. the fact that i am pretty shure about my abilities within chemistry and biology gives me...
  13. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    if i remove the bottom leaves, i do not change the fact that some leaves are blocking budsites. If i wanted to get the healthiest plant, i would not remove a single leaf. by removing the newly formed leaves, that block light over perhaps 2-3 buds, i spare the plant for the starch, sugar and...
  14. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    Might not be that way. The plant produces new oil all the time, but at the same time it decomposes. so, the output of the plant would always rise, but reach point of diminishing returns at about 80% cloudy. So its a ax=y function feed, subtracted with a fraction of the integral from 0 to x, the...
  15. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    This is my logic. 1. i know my chemsitry. I'm a GC and mensa member. 2. If there is multiple layers of leaves, there will not be a decrease of photosynthesis when i cut leaves shadowing budsites off, as long as all of the light is absorbed. 3. if budsites dont get enough sunlight, they wont...
  16. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    the long hairs are about 20% amber, 40 % cloudy and 40% clear. the trichomes don't have a single brownish color. can you estimate time untill harvest as weeks? aka, 3-6 or ?
  17. D

    URGENT. Need advice with my 3 week old grow.

    thanks :) I did my best, should i just terminate the big bang?
  18. D

    Need advice and estimate of yield

    I have these two CBD sharks, with a small big bang in between. How long until harvest, and am i doing anything wrong? the buds are about 2-3 cm in diameter, and a few of them have some brownish pistils. should i cut of some more leaves to allow more light to the buds? An estimate of the yield...
  19. D

    URGENT. Need advice with my 3 week old grow.

    I know this is old, but i thought you might want to see how it turned out
  20. D

    URGENT. Need advice with my 3 week old grow.

    I would love advice, i just installed a screen, and flipped the top though. they are growing incredible right now, 2-3 cm this night. they didn't get more than 1500 ppm, as i said, but as far as i know it is first at 3000 it is toxic?