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  1. T

    Help! Photoperiod screwup!

    id jus give em the sizx hours off and revert back to the normal light period, i doubt one day will do it any harm
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    hey all soz it been a while, had probs wit my com, then the forum went to slow which infuryated me. ive finally done some ph readings. my problem plant is ph 5.90 my good plant is ph 6.16 and there being watered with ph 7.04 so i guess there only jus a little bit to low, what ph should i...
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    6...7...8...9!!! leaves

    one of mine has a 4 leafs on a set, i thought that was weird cuz there usually odd numbers, and its not the same on its symetrical leaf. but plants doin fine so didnt really think anything of it
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    thanks for the help, i think im jus gunna try and change the ph of the soil, one of my plants is still doin great, so not all is lost. but if they die i guess ill have to start again. trial and error, at least ill learn from my mistakes
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    i checked the bag, and it turns out that my soil is made from peat.... but i got garden lime, and a ph pen through the post today so can start sortin it out. how should i regulate ph. i know i have to test the run off water after watering em. and that they gotta be like ph6.8 in soil. what...
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    nutrient help

    hey all i want to create a stock pile of nutrient suppliments in case i every run into an problems. so i was wonderin if anyone knew what i shud get. i want a supplement specific for ach nutrient required E.g for pottatsium, nitrogen etc. ive already got epsom salts for magnesium but that it...
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    all was gud till now

    i already know that, i wanna stock up my nute for any future issues, the plants are stretched cuz i had to start em on my window shelf, till my grow space was done. but now there doin fine, and the stalks are thickening, i dont even know if i have to stake em up, i jus do it jus in case, id...
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    all was gud till now

    hey i want to stock up on some nutrient supplements, and was wonderin what i shud get, i want seperate supplements for each nute required. ive already got epsom salt for magnesium, and body know of somthin i can use for pottasium, phophorus etc... thanks for all the help
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    ive been giving the plant magnesium supllements for a little over a week now, it does appear to be takin the yellowness out of the leaves at the top of the plant, however the leaves toward the bottom of the plant are still slowly diein off. the 2 proper leaves after seeding are now completely...
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    looked at my plant today and it does appear to be gettin better, the leaves arnt green yet but the appear to be losin the yellow, and its darkin a bit, i swear i can see a hint of green but might jus be me. will put pics up 2moz
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    hey all, im a grow virgin

    Spose, i did get em to germinate and everythin. but i wont really consider myself i grower till i get a harvest. But hopefully this batch will last, and my harvest will be in the near future.
  12. T

    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    emmm.... its comin up for 6 weeks now, thought they'd be bigger than this by now, but they did sit on my windon shelf for like 2weeks so i guess that might have slowed there growth a bit
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    i bought some over the counter salt from the pharmacy, took me ages to find one that actually had it in stock. its in powder form so i add like a third of a teaspoon to a pint of water and gave it a little bit of that, hopefully that'll sort out the problem thanx for the help guys, hopefully...
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    what sort of epsom salt should i use, ive found bath salt, or over the counter salts from a pharmacy
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    hey all, im a grow virgin

    i wudnt say grower yet. more an attempting grower really :)
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    oh and i do need to check my soil PH but cant do so till next week
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    thanks for the help, ive got a fan pullin air in, and ive got slits near the top of the box, so air can escape. im using a 2ft flourescent bulb. however they did grow on my window shelf for like 2 weeks cuz my cupboard wasnt finished, so i think thats what stretched em so much. i jus figured...
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    all was gud till now

    i dont think the problems givin em to much nutes though, as my other plant seems to be doin completely fine.
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    2nd attempt, same problem :(

    ive always, got em to grow in peat pots, i did actually wanna buy smaller ones 2 but i cudnt get hold of any. but thought it was best to grow in peat pots as it wud be easier to transplant em
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    all was gud till now

    yea, been feedin em a miracle grow solution mixed in the water, the other plant's doin fine but this one seems to have problems, so confusin why, i treat them both the same, heres a pic of my other baby